Anyone Ever Listened to Hifonics Components?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Alan, Sep 19, 2002.

  1. Alan

    Alan Full Member

    Some of you probably passed over this thread on CAF.....
    i just didn't really get a response on it, mainly because of all the BS going on over there ..........
    thought i would try here.....
    i have a shot at a set of hifonics Zeus components..... they handle 110 watts rms, and are only 83 dollars!!
    any opinions on this?
    i was thinking i'd try them out in my gf's car (well ex gf now) and if i like them, i'll take em for myself ......... muahahahaha.......
    well they are only 5.25 anyway, but maybe i'll like them enough to buy a set of 6.5's..
    anyone heard these before?
  2. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    Indeed I have heard these componants, but I do believe the ones I heard were 6.5's..... either that or they had a great response for a 5.25" . Pretty flat response down to about 50 hz. They were a bit peaky around 100 Hz, but that could have been install or EQ. The tweets were pretty sweet, Im a sucker for a decent set of ceramics. These were nice, hit the highs like a hard dome should, but were a little harsh.... A LITTLE. Nothing to worry about, Im picky when it comes to tweeters. All in All they are pretty nice, Id take a set if you want to by me some!