im looking for a 900rms amp to run 2 planet audio bigbangs, 15" 4ohms. im having some trouble finding an amp that runs 900 at 4 ohms, any input?
they are dual coils. that is something i was never sure about, if wiring 4 ohm subs to 2 ohm and not hurt it are these it? if so, and you have 2 of them, wire them to 1 ohm. and you can use this amp to get all they got out of them. or(but be careful)
it's rather simple, to open your windows even more, i'd perosnaly wire them to 1 ohm, because for that odd number your looking for, it's more likly to find it at 1ohm, maybe a higher end mtx, ot jl audio mid range amp, here's how to wire it for 1 ohm's, and if you wire it like that, you don't have to limit your self to a 2 channel amp, and just go for a class D single channel amp, that'll be more stable and be less wires. I've only been researching this stuff my self about a week. but i have an electrical background so it's rather simple logic for me to follow. ;P here's a cheaper site to buy that amp he linked, and yes, those subs can handle 1800 wats, and that amp only maxes at, but if you want to have them longer and have a are looking for less thump, just wire them for 4 ohm's, that amp runs at 800 watts for 4ohm's whitch is preferct for what you were looking for. here's how to wire it for 4 ohm's
i appreciate the help guys. im not really sure how long it will be before i get it all together, but il put something up when i do
he should run 900RMS each sub. thats how you will get the most out of them. and eviling, that amp is refurbished so idk about it.
No sub ever blows because you don't give it full rms power, but most people like to have some headroom for future projects and so that the amp isnt running at full power constantly. I say go with the Audioque 2200 that Jonny linked to in post #8 and just don't be crazy on the gains cause those amps are fairly underrated.