Amp Shutting Off/Not Turning On

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by nexja, May 24, 2010.

  1. nexja

    nexja New Member

    Hi, everyone. I'll start this off by saying I'm an extreme novice when it comes to car stereo and the technical details of it but I'll try to post as much information as possible. Here's my setup:

    Amplifier: AQ 2200D Mono -
    Subs: 2 12'' Kicker CVX dual 4 ohm -
    Cap: Tsunami 5 Farad -
    Headunit: JVC EXAD (Old model)

    Well, I guess the problems first started when I picked up the amplifier in November of 09. Don't get me wrong, the system was loud as hell and you could hear it from blocks and blocks away but the amp was constantly clipping. Never heard any distortion or had any problems until about a month ago when I got a new speaker box and a buddy turned up the settings on the amp. The amp had an even-more constant clipping light on the bass remote and started to shut off until eventually it would not turn back on.

    I shipped the amplifier back to AudioQue and they informed me that I had completely blown the amp, more than likely due to lack of power to supply the amp because I was using a stock battery and no capacitor.

    About a week or two ago, I got my amp back from AudioQue. Got it hooked up and things were working fine. Still not able to turn it up as loud as it seemed it would go without clipping or my lights in my car/headlights dimming so I went out and bought and Optima Red Top battery and got it hooked up. The system got louder but clipping was still an issue so I opted to buy a capacitor too thinking it could do no harm.

    As soon as the cap was hooked up and the system was jammed, the amp would shut off and sometimes not come back on for a while or until I turned off my car and sometimes would have to sit overnight until it would come back on.

    I took it to a local car stereo shop and had them check it out. They found two problems: my input (I think that's what it's called) wire on the inside of one of my subs was connected wrong and my amp wasn't supposed to be bridged or something to that extent. After 24 hours of my amp not turning on, it finally turned back on after those two problems were fixed. I drove down the road and started to jam a song before my amp shut off again.

    I've pretty much frequently been having this same problem until a couple of days ago I figured I'd just turn down my bass knob and gradually turn it up, seeing how loud I could go...which seems ridiculous as it's hard to judge and I have to turn it down and back up for each song.

    The amp didn't shut off for two days until today I was riding around jamming and I guess I accidentally turned it up too loud and it shut off. Now usually when the amp won't turn on and I turn the ignition, the protection light will blink once but now it's blinking kinda rapidly for about 5 times. I doubt this of importance but I found it a little strange.

    Everything seems to be hooked up well...aside from the fact that I'm having headunit problems but that's been going on for a while. The only difference is now my c.d. player will power off and not power back on for a while (kinda seems like my amp) instead of just the screen blacking out but it is a 6 or 7 year old c.d. player.

    I just want my system to work. I can't afford a good Kicker amp or else I'd already have one. This amp was working pretty good until this cap got hooked up but I don't see any reason for it to be causing my problems. Please help!
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    what is the gain set to on the amp now?

    you could have a bad sub/s causing your amp to shut off due to constant clipping.

    a good friend of mine has the very same amp. its a solid amp, you shouldnt have any build quality issues.

    as far as your amp being "bridged to that extent" its a ohm stable amp, it's already a 1 channel amp. the only wiring options for your subs is 16 ohm, 4 ohm , 1 ohm.

    now, unless one was wired out of phase then i could see an issue arising.

    i had 4 8's that are D2 ohm. i have two that have bad coils. if i go easy on the vol, the amp would play them all day long. But as soon as i beat on them.. click... the amp shuts down.

    make sure your subs arent going bad or have gone bad.

    i have another one.... my friend don had 2 Incriminator audio LI lethal injection 12's. D4's wired to 1 ohm to his audiopipe AP1500. good cheap powerful amp. anyways he fried his amp and a sub locked up on him.

    at a show i went to the other day my friend took the bad sub apart to examine it. over clipping killed the sub. the coil just burned up from abuse.

    well i hope some of this helped.