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amp not workin right

Discussion in 'Car Stereo Amplifiers' started by timmyt, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. timmyt

    timmyt Member

    Hi new to the forum seeking help. I have a 2001 gmc sonoma with 2 guage power wires a 1400 watt visonik amp and a 1000 watt visonik amp. subs are 2 15 inch kicker xpls and 2 12 inch orion xtr. Everything was working fine for a year. Acouple weeks ago I heard a weird scratchy sound in one of the twelves thought it was the speaker going it was old from one of my other vehicles. I disconnected the speaker wire from the amp and noise disappeared. week or so later the rest of the subs sounded like they were all blown at once. So i took everything out and started over. Ok now with either amp hooked up and rcas disconnected I get a thump thump noise and power light is faint to not lit with pulsing flash to the rhythm of the thumps. Tried cleaning all connections new teminals still no better. Ruled out subs or amps being bad they work fine in another car. Jumped the remote to rule that out. does it with truck on or off. was getting a whine that varied with engine speed also. one of my friends seems to think its my battery but I told him it starts fine and does it with or without running so i dont think battery has anything to do with it. any suggestions on where to look next? Thanks for any help you can give. I have never had so much trouble with any of my other installs. I dont think its the wires too small same amps and subs worked fine in a suburban i had and only had 8 guage wire before.
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    how many batts are in your truck? if only one amp then it could very well be an amperage/voltage issue.

    have your batt load tested;check your alt while your at it. if your batt is going it can take the alt with it.
  3. timmyt

    timmyt Member

    just have a single battery. I will load test and see what happens. Thanks
  4. timmyt

    timmyt Member

    Load tested my battery today it failed barely. So that is probably it and explains why it still starts the truck. Don't really have money for a optima or a good battery right now though. Definitely have to replace it by winter or it might leave me stranded. Might try a desulfator and see if I can revive it till I have money to spend on a new one. anyone ever try one of these?
  5. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i just re read your post. i see you run 2 diff sized subs. take 2 out of the equation. either one. it doesn't matter. keep the ones that sound the best.

    that will eliminate one power drain from your system. either the 1400 watt amp or the 1000 watt one.

    as for the batt, you can find a decent NEW batt at wall mart for 65.00. when you take out one of those amps you'll notice a diff.

    have you done the big 3 yet BTW?
  6. timmyt

    timmyt Member

    Ok yesterday I changed the wire between the fuse holder and battery cause it looked purple. went from 2 guage to 0/1 still same problem. But I had a buddy hook a volt meter to the battery while I hooked one at the amp had 12.4 volts. With no speakers connected I turned the amp on it dropped to 10.5 . As for big 3 no havent done it. I bought extra wire to upgrade between battery and alternator. The ground side has 4 wires coming out and I can see one going near the radiator and one to the engine. The rest I cant tell where they go its all wrapped up. I am going to upgrade tyhe one to the frame and to the engine cause they are really small like 14 guage to 8 I have laying around. But the battery is crap my buddy said he cant believe it even starts my truck. I might even run some heavy stuff from battery to the body under the truck and to near where the amp is just to make sure. But thatnks for all your help. If its not the battery idk what it could possibly be cause i hooked it up in another car and it works great. Oh and also I have been trying with just the one ampthe other is out of the truck for good cause the twelves and fifteens take up all my room behind the seat and i cant sit comfortably with the seat so far forward. thanks again
  7. timmyt

    timmyt Member

    well I cooked the 1400 watt amp. Charged the battery on a trickle charger overnight. Put my big charger on 100 amp boost turned the radio on with no speakers and a puff of smoke came out from behind my seats. All 4 fuses are blown in the amp and the protection light was shining bright. Didnt have 4 25 amp fuses layin around but i think its a paper weight. probably try the 1000 tomorrow since it was only 5 bucks due to seller error on ebay so if it burns up oh well. New battery too but i doubt the charger messed it up more likely me taking it in and out over and over and maybe missed something like making sure the speaker leads were nowhere near each other.Are lanzar max pro or lanzar vibe any good cause i can get either new in box for fairly cheap. If lanzar is crap can you recomend a good budget amp around 1400-2000 watt max? Thanks for your time