I need help figuring out what amp i should get to power my 2 10" alpine type R's theyre 2 ohm and handle 500 watts rms each. If i get a Mono class D does it need to be 1 ohm stable to run both subs? thanks
well you can wire them into 4ohm mono or 1 ohm. get the best amp you can afford is what ive been told.so if you want a ton of power go for the 1 ohm stable amp. its up yo you.as far as brand is conserned thats up to your budget.
Um...theres no way to wire those subs for a final 1 ohm...you have either a .5 ohm or 2 ohm minimum. The Alpine MRD-1005 is a very nice amp that'll push those subs
Yeh theyre both dual 2 ohms and i want to make sure i buy an amp that is compatible and will really make them hit.
I was thinkin about this amp, its not too expensive and it seems like itll work. What do you guys think? http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductID=14935