whats up guys? i gotta question about my hu....i cant find the manual around my house(sister prolli did something with it) so i figured id ask here...does anyone know how to, if possible, turn off the automatic turnoff? its so damn annoying when trying to blast some music and everythings fine, then it just cuts out i mean i know its good that it does this for the speakers' sake but a kid that i installed my subs with said he turned is auto turnoff off and he hasnt had a problem..if anyone knows anything, help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
I have three top line alpines and none of mine have an "auto turnoff". What is the purpose of the auto turn off? Anyhow just check out the Alpine website and you can download a owners manual.
hhahahaha yea, it just turns off, im guessing so the speakers dont blow when the music gets too loud?...idk if its called "automatic turnoff" but thats what i call it cuz it, as u would guess, automatically turnsoff lol...aight thanks, ill check that website
Are you runnning amps, maybe they are going into protection mode. I have never seen a head unit with a auto turnoff.LOL
Never seen or heard of it myself...normally a head unit will just send a major clipped signal when pushed too hard
well yesterday before i went to my gfs i checked the fuse and it was partially unplugged so maybe thats why, not all of the possible power was being run to my system