Alpine 7894

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by caylorray, Jan 2, 2003.

  1. caylorray

    caylorray Full Member

    I'm looking to buy an Alpine 7894, probably tomorrow. Do you have one available? Also, your site says you try to price match. Ikesound has it for 310 shipped, is that possible?
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    there should be no problems with ording it

    Check your PM ofr Price match Details
  3. caylorray

    caylorray Full Member

    Just out of curiuosity, how long does it take for UPS Ground from California to Florida? I'm only asking so I know when to expect ~delivery.
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Estimated Delivery Time
    We know that you want your order to arrive quickly and safely. Our normal shipping days are Tuesdays and Thursday.
    Your orders Total Delivery Time = (Time to Process Order) + (Time in Transit)
    The table below details the average delivery times based on your preferred method of shipping.

    Shipping-------------Process(Business Days)------------------Time in Transit(Business Days)-----------------Total Delivery(Business Days)
    Ground------------------------1-3------------------------------------------------1-10-------------------------------------------------2-12 Max
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Let me Elborate on the Order Process

    1> Order Placed at Web Site
    2> Payment Processed by Paypal
    3> money is Widthdrown from Paypal Account
    4> Money ordered issued to one of the Distributors, normally the cloest to the customer unless there is a spical price given in which case I use the Cheapest supplier
    4> money Order sent via US Mail
    5> Distirbutor Gets Money order
    6> Distributor Process and Ships order to customer
    7> Customer gets products and is Happy

    Your order was placed on 1/3/2003, Money Was sent off 1/6/2003

    So your Order should be Shipped, I will be calling Monday to find out the Status and tracking Info

    And it is being Shipped via FEDEX Ground

    So it should be to you the Middle of Next week, well with in my Est Delivery Time from :D
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    also you should be getting an invoice from me if you have not al ready got it.......
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Wow, I must say I did not know how it all worked! Please note though, I wasn't trying to hound you or anything, I was just simply curious. But it is definitely nice to know how it all works. Thanks very much for explaining all that.

    P.S. I hope to soon order the AudioControl FOUR.1 from you sometime soon!
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I did not think you were hounding me, You have entrusted me with your money so you have ervery right to know how it all works, and what the status of your order is at any given moment