Alabama Legality Issues

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by BOOMINJEEP420, Apr 4, 2006.


    BOOMINJEEP420 Full Member

    1: Are my new headlight and taillight strobes legal?
    2: How far must you be able to hear audio to still be legal?
    3: Interior and exterior neons?


    PORTnPOLISH97 Full Member

    not sure. You should try to look them up on the net.
  3. jibit

    jibit Well-Known Member

    1. I don't think strobes are legal
    2. This is based upon opinion because I highly doubt an officer will sit around with the proper device to measure the db level and a specified distance. I was ticketed and my car impounded for this when I was 19. I think it was 70db at 50 ft.
    3. I don't think interior is a problem depending on the color. Exterior is also questionalbe depending on the color. I know locally neons are illegal around the lisence plate and if they are certain colors.

    This is all based on local laws though. Personally I wouldn't do any of this if I was driving. I would only turn the stuff on if I was parked and showing the car off.
  4. Moose

    Moose Full Member

    and you guys were giving me a hard time about putting speakers in my wheels :rolleyes:

    BOOMINJEEP420 Full Member

    thanks alot everyone exept the guy with speakers for wheels (thats just dumb) and i found out that everything of mine is illegal the hard way last night (hefty little ticket)
  6. Moose

    Moose Full Member

    Why do you have to go calling people names? At least I didn't get a ticket for my idea :lmfao:
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    In most states all of the above will get your ticketed regaurdless of the legality of the time. Cops dont know the law.

    I was ticketed years back for red underglow I had, it was perfectly legal at the time for the way I had it installed, I fought and won but shortly their after the law was changed:rolleyes:

    In order to stay with in the laws of "the land of the free" you have to remove everything, even factory installed items:rolleyes:

    Most factory radios are capable of violating most noise ordinances:rolleyes:
  8. NeverwaY

    NeverwaY Full Member

    Strobes - ILLEGAL (impersonating an officer of the law, distraction of traffic)
    How Far - ILLEGAL if it can he heard 9 feet from vehicle (in town)
    Interior Neons - ILLEGAL if the light can be seen outside of vehicle.
    Lower Neons - ILLEGAL unless the car is parked AND off. No blue strobing.

    I live in Andalusia, and that is the way it is here. I assume that it is similar where you are.