Adjusting my kicks

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by hobbes26, Sep 22, 2003.

  1. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    Okay, i'm trying to adjust the angles of my speakers in my kicks (Kodas 6.1) and i'm using the IASCA cd with the 7 drum beats, and I'm finding it really hard to get the positions of the beats correct - the first two and the last two seem to be really compressed on either side... and the drivers side more compressed than the passenger side, even when i'm sitting in the middle of the car... 1, 2, and 3 are almost from the same place, slightly separated, and then 4 is in the middle, and 5, is alright... then 6 is too far to the right, very close to 7...

    Maybe i shouldn't go with the drum beats and just aim it according to some songs?

    I'm also thinking of putting some carpeting under the dash to help absorb reflections - this may help in making the footwell area into a less diffuse sound field, but i'm not sure if this will help...

    Right now I've kept the mids and tweets on the same ring, so they're facing the same direction - should I separate them and mount them at diff angles? Maybe i'll try to keep them like this and see if it works, cause i think it'll be easier to finish off the kicks that way...

    any ideas ppl?
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Will you be competeing or is this just a daily driver install?
  3. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    daily driver...

    but i wanna get the best i can out of it with good imaging for both passenger and driver...

    i've also got an EQ i'm probably gonna put in there - and i've heard people say that a smooth freq resp is 80% of having a good soundstage/imaging....
    I've got access to an RTA too, so adjusting that wont be a problem...

    guess i have to play around with it more...
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Very tough task there. In that case, a test disc is useless as it is specifically designed for optimisation from the drivers position..

    My suggestion, is use a broad spectrum music that you like (Dave Matthews maybe? Great SQ information ;) ). I'd suggest some classical music, but the winds might be a bit bright and cause imaging confusion. Besides, your music may never go where that goes ;).

    Due to harshness, I prefer an extreem off axis on the tweeters and minimal angleing of the woofers. The set is designed for off axis anyways. I have found the off axis and redirection in the car have created a very broad stage. However, my image depth is not where I want it yet... I know why (my tweets are angled a bit forward) but need to take the time to correct the issue yet.

    in responce to differant angles... without time delay you may wind up with some issues with the tweets and mids on the same plane... Just a thought.
  5. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    I don't find the koda tweets harsh at all when i have them pointed at me...

    You don't think the test disc will help even if i have someone listening in the passgenger side to make is symmetrical? I'll have to see what I can do with it... hmm...

    I read on some places that usually the mids are positioned more off axis (facing each other) than the tweets, which are more aimed towards the opposite passenger area...

    I do have time correction on my HU so that's no problem, but I think I'll use that as a last resort...

    Darn, guess i'll have to get to cutting up my rings then.... :(
  6. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I do, but old ears are sensative :D . Also, how broad do you find the stage? I wonder if the tweets firing directly at you are creating a tight stage, and allowing for such intense seperation. The ring domes are designed to reinforce the output for a greater off-axis responce. It is this reinforcement that may be hindering your install.

    If you have 4 channel time correction, you may be able to adjust for the timing variables associated with same plane firing of the mids and tweets. Myself, I like to tweek position and firing angle. I find it best to keep the tweet further from the drivers position, but in the same line as the mid (so if I look at the mid and tweet, a straight line drawn from my eye to my tweet goes right through the mid). This eliminates multiple pointsources in the vehicle.

    Mids are less suceptable to cancellation, which is the reason there is less concern over firing them at each other. While there is some cancellation, we typically have a center console or a pair of legs to help eliminate the cancellation that may occur, and the lower frequencies are not as readily absorbed by physical impedances in the way... Basically, a mid is more easily reflected then a tweet ;). Of course, don't fire a tweet at a hard surface (like glass) as the reflection is aggressive and reinforces itself, typically to the point of added siblance!!!
  7. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    old ears more sensitive? hardly.... you lose hearing in the upper frequencies when you get old... lol... not just that... you lose hearing in the mid frequencies too - especially for hard of hearing people - you lose at 500Hz-4kHz more as well...

    how broad? hmm.... extends to about a 1/2 foot inside from the mirrors.... dunno how to make it wider since there's basically no room in the kicks to place them out further to the sides, or even further forward in the car... what else to do?

    4 channel time correction may be hard to implement... since i'm just using the regular passive crossovers....

    I think mids are MORE susceptible to cancellation - wavelengths produced are longer, and it's easier to hear cancellations occuring... but you're right about the centre console blocking them from each other...

    Tweets, I'm still thinking of putting some leftover carpeting to line the underdash area and the centre console (hope it doesnt look like crap) to decrease the diffuseness of the sound field... hope that works...

    I'll get back to y'all when I try it out on the weekend... i'm quite busy at the moment with schoool