A New, Variable Q Xbl² Driver Inside...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by luvdeftonz, Nov 22, 2004.

  1. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    There's a thread over at SI.n (I know a few of you don't like going over there) about a very cool sounding new driver from an unnmaed xbl² licensee (through process of elimination, I'm sure Kephart could guess who it is).

    Right Here!

    I'd just like a few of your thoughts on this new driver. I'm not an expert on driver design, but I know a few of you like to look at numbers while playing with yourselves :lol: They look to be a direct competitor to the Koda and Brahma in both price and performance. The variable Q, which can go anywhere between .33 and .52 is real cool on a xbl² ebabled woofer. Infinity's Perfect was the only other sub I knew had a feature like this. A "knob" that allows you to optimize it for sealed/IB or ported is just way cool. Anywho, for those that know more about driver design and the implementation of some of these cool new technologies, your $.02 would be appreciated.
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Looks like dual coils are being used. A single coil for the .33-.52Q and a "Dual coil" set up for .5-1.0 (from what I gathered).

    So we are taking a single dead coil which will lower FS in the .33-.52Q configurations and enableing it for high Q applications boosting FS though the roof. Something like the high Q mentioned here would be free air or Dipole, in which we would still want a low FS to reduce our boosting or attenuating for flat FR. The dead coils mass will keep FS low, but when it becomes active, it will totally fuck up our low FS, so it would seem as if the FS is a little on the shakey side, and maybe not so good in "every enclosure".

    The variable Q sounds cool, and I like the thought of a built in POT, but the fact that they allude to multiple coil configs leaves me a bit skeptical.

    The one other thing, a Brahma will work in "any enclosure" as well. I attribute it to XBL2 (and I am about to play with my KODAs in a ported box too) more than anything else, and fail to see the need for so much extra gadgetry... more parts means more places for failure

    I'll not knock it, I am sold on XBL2, and the numbers look pretty nice too. I am sure it will be a great sounding unit. However, like I said, I am skeptical of all the extras.
  3. objext

    objext Full Member