A Little Help...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by MaddoxBay, Dec 5, 2003.

  1. MaddoxBay

    MaddoxBay Full Member

    I am on a mission to build a decent daily driver system on a budget.

    I am not looking for crazy amounts of SPL, just a clean sounding setup that will have a little kick to it.

    There are several things I am planning on doing but one component I would like to here your opinion on is my sub selection. I plan on trying two of them ported.

    ...Link... Tangband W740-8C

    DCR IMPEDANCE 3.2 ohm
    SENSITIVITY 1W/1m 84 dB
    MAGNET WEIGHT (50oz) 1427 g
    MOVING MASS 95 g
    EFFEC.PISTON AREA 0.022 m2
    LEVC 3.1811mH
    Zo 113.9893ohm
    LEVC 3.1811mH
    Zo 113.9893ohm
    X-max 12 mm
    Vas 23 Litr.
    Qts 0.30
    Qms 10.53
    Qes 0.30

    Playing around in WinISD I got a flat response with a 0.306 cuft box tuned @ 37.91 Hz. That’s assuming I done it right. I probably need to tune a little lower though (30 – 35)…at least that is what I have read.

    I could use some help deciphering the T/S parameters. I am very new at this game

  2. ScottS

    ScottS Full Member

  3. MaddoxBay

    MaddoxBay Full Member

    Thanks Scott,

    Yeah, I have looked at those too and have thought about using them. I have seen some great reviews on them. What kind of price do they have?
  4. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    either the re8's or the TBs are decent. as far as tuning on the TB's, you can go down to about 28-29 hz, but i wouldnt tune it any lower. iirc, if you tune lower than the Fs, you lose mechanical powerhandling.

    the re8's flat out rock. i think im gonna buy a pair off my buddy since he's getting rid of em. yeah i know the new ones are darn cheap, but im broke as a joke :)

  5. MaddoxBay

    MaddoxBay Full Member

    Me too, Budget is perty tight. New baby in May
  6. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    i dont believe im allowed to say what his price is on them (and i honestly cant remember the official price at the moment), but hit him up at marshall@visionaryaudio.com

  7. MaddoxBay

    MaddoxBay Full Member

    will do, thanks nismo
  8. mustatang

    mustatang Full Member


    Nice sub for the price. Seriously. For $29 bucks it's really hard to go wrong when your getting 12Xmax and a nice Fs for an 8 inch going sub duty.

    The price difference is substantial between the two when you are talking about $30. IMO.

    Here is a review comparing the RE8 and Tangband 8.

    Another short one:

  9. MaddoxBay

    MaddoxBay Full Member

    Thanks mustatang,

    That was the thread that really got me looking into this sub. That’s the TB in my avatar… and I really like the price on it.

    I have been researching it for awhile but since I am a rookie at this I keep asking the knowledgeable people.
  10. MaddoxBay

    MaddoxBay Full Member

    I think the TB’s will be easier on the budget. That and I like the black cone and dust cap “off brand” look.

    From what I have read the TB is power limited and the RE is suspension limited. The TB has a deeper bumped back plate keeping it from bottoming out.

    Can someone double check what I got with WinISD; I want to know if I am on the right track?

    Everything I have read about the TB subs suggests porting them and WinISD gives a flat response.

    With a BL of 13.35TM and a Le of 3.1811mH, will the sub still be tight/punchy with the ported box?

    Am I on the right track…
  11. black00

    black00 Full Member

    Not going to force the hand or try to lean you in RE8 direction at all..but i havn't heard the TBs...so can't say anything about them.

    but loyd lowery is endevoring to use 18 of the RE8's in his wall.
    He also gave it a stellar review on soundillusions "Momentum" magazine, very informative review I may add.
    josh gull (that just joined the forum) used one in his SQ firebird sealed in about .35 cubes and it pounded out 139+ on the linearX with minimal power.
    And blended so well it was really remarkable.

    Try it as you may on lspcad or winisd... they have a great track record...but if a matter of a few dollars will hold you back...you may find that the shipped price for a pair or RE8's is probably very close to the TBs shipped.

    Whatever you do...i hope you have fun with it...and please take pics for us to see.

    For the record i've been wanting to try a pair of TBs just to find out their capabilities and to have the experience...but getting ready for CES among other things makes time a rare thing to come by.

    Have fun and good luck !
  12. MaddoxBay

    MaddoxBay Full Member

    Thanks black00,

    That will make my decision a little harder… the RE8 puts up some good numbers and the TB’s are for the most part, unheard of.

    I plan on making plenty of photos of the install. I am really looking forward to the enclosure construction. We make cabinets and furniture as a hobby.

    You are only an hour or so away from me if you are in Memphis. If I go with the TB’s or even the RE’s maybe you can hear them if you want. We make it over there regularly.
  13. black00

    black00 Full Member

    :D I welcome the visit either way...we'll go grab some hot wings and put you on the LinearX.
  14. MaddoxBay

    MaddoxBay Full Member

    sounds good to me.

    You have a PM...

  15. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    The TB 8" is an interesting looking little woofer.
    There are a few specs worthy of note, I think:

    Particularly, Qes and BL... it's virtually got the same BL value as a Brahma (just a hair below), and a Qes that's remarkably low (Qes is inversely proportional to BL).
    That indicates a really strong motor.

    Now, because the Qes is so low, that drives Qts to be higher. A high Qts is in many ways proportional to the calculated "EBP" (such as WinISD uses), showing this driver to REALLY prefer ported boxes... ie. "don't even think about putting me in a sealed box, man!" :D
    While many SQ guys love sealed boxes (and seek out subs that work best in sealed boxes), as far as running a pair of 8's goes, I'd definitely run them ported myself. You aren't going to get monster SPL out of these guys to begin with (due to their small cones... although the high excursion helps some), up to 3dB more will be nice, from the ported enclosure.
    And... it's different than putting a 'softer' sealed-box-type sub in a ported enclosure (that generally results in flabbiness)... this sub is really ideal for ported boxes.

    It's got one hell of an excursion for a 8" sub... 12mm is very impressive, for an 8"... particularly an 8" of this price range.
    I believe you could pick up about 4- 6 of these TB 8's for the price of one RE 8"... and 4 - 6 TB 8's wouldn't just outdisplace an RE 8", but it would outdisplace a 12", and even most 15" subwoofers.

    Speaking of "price range", there's nothing that I know of that can touch it for the price, particularly in terms of displacement.
    For a SQ system, two I am sure would be fine... it of course wouldn't be any SPL machine.

    I've modeled these up a bit...
    The box that you specified are just the specs that WinISD gives you as a starting point. They don't account for any user preference, any correction for vehicle acoustics (cabin gain), or any other factors that would lead you to modify the design. Just an anechoically-flat response plot, which doesn't mean anything at all when you put it in a car... cabin gain is going to boost your bass response - acoustically - at a rate of 12dB/octave.
    That's why "boomin' bass" happens inside a car, and that's also why sealed boxes, with their early, but shallower roll-off, generally yield a nice, flat response in-car.B)

    That being said, I didn't stray far from that...
    But I thought it would be better in a box somewhere between 0.4cu.ft. - 0.5 cu.ft, tuned to 35hz. Gives a little more low-end extension, and the tiny bit more air per sub will increase efficiency, right at the point where increasing it any further starts to flip up the end of the response plot.
    Still a flat response, just even more low end extension.

    Model it up, see what you think!
  16. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Consider that Tang Band is more of an OEM-type buildhouse than it is a "brand"...

    If it helps assure you at all, consider that Adire Audio is beginning to use Tang Band as one of their buildhouses... Dan Wiggins showed me a driver at SEMA that he was absolutely raving about, that was built for them by Tang Band. B)
  17. MaddoxBay

    MaddoxBay Full Member

    hey thanks,

    I will give it a look

    wow, TB and Brahma in the same thread. lol
  18. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    LOL, Brahma winds up in every thread over here :p

    I added some input to this thread, but I dropped my connection when I added it :angry: . It was a Geoish post, so I will not retype it...

    Basically, ported=yes. I wouldn't seal that driver. Cost, $29?!?!?!?! Go to it man!!! Can't beat that with a stick. Hell, even if it isn't that great (which I think it looks pretty good personally, particularly for $30ish) it wouldn't be a HUGE loss.

    I am hoping for some feedback. They may make nice midbass drivers for my front stage!!!
  19. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Seth.. I make it a habit now of pressing <ctrl-A> and <ctrl-C> before I hit "submit" now, because I'm ashamed of the spitting and swearing impression my wife gets of me the few times that exact thing has happened... and "back" causes a complete screen refresh on you.
    Doh! :bye:
    That way, the post is in my clipboard. ;)

    I was considering doing two of these in my Pathfinder, when it's in "daily driver" mode...
    I was thinking, since my back windows don't go down all the way anyways, I could 'glass up a couple of enclosures inside the bottoms of the doors, and probably not even have to build the bottom of the doors out at all even (and yes.. I am thinking about door drainage too ;)).
    The catch would be... it may be tough to port them...
    And hell, I measured and ported my current fiberglassed spare tire well enclosure in my Civic.. Hmm....

    I need the Pathfinder to be 100% stealth, for "daily driver" operation.
  20. MaddoxBay

    MaddoxBay Full Member

    I am looking for a semi stealth install. They will most likely be in the trunk unless I can work them into the side panels by the back seat. I doubt it though.