Hello everyone, I'm looking for a little help to figure out a good box for this subwoofer i've come across. It's a 2003 ED. Audiobahn AW152T, now sadly with the manual, and the PDF file sent to me by audiobahn counter-dict each other. For example the Manual in the Thiele spec's says Vas(Liters) 117 and (cbft)4.3 with a low QTS of .39 which shows it good for 4th order boxes, but the PDF sent to me says 74 Liters and 2.6cbft with QTS of .881. So i am royaly confused about this sub woofer and what faith I had in Audiobahn... So looking around at prefab boxes since I dont current have enough personal time to sit down and build another enclosures, could any one suggest a good place to find them/order? The subdisplacment is .23 so i'de guess anything thats 2.8cbft + .23 SubDisp. = 3.03 not counting the port displacement. Mounting of 7 1/8ths, total sizes looking for 3cbft at 36hrtz or 4cbft at 37hrtz since im looking for the best SPL out of the woofer. Any help would be great
I definitely would not use a generic enclosure when choosing the BP route. May I ask why you believe the 4th order to be best fitting for what youre looking to do? Hopefully your sub is the one with the higher Q, though not to say the lower wouldnt be a possibility. May be in 6th order land - things can get more complicated.
well it's qms is 3.44 qes .56 qts .39, but the box call for three type of ported in the 4th order and they place them as space saver, every day, and spl"". I did end up how ever building my own box to match the everyday spec's to come out too 3.23 cb.ft tuned @ 36Hz, it's nice and works great just need more power now