I wanna run 4 1000 Watt subs and I think that I have to put on another battery. If I put another battery on will it be able to push all 4000 watts? And would I have to get a really high output alternator for that? Anything will help.....thank you.
4000 wtts, well do the math first. so thats 4000\14.4 = 277 amps, you're standard alt will push out about 75-85 amps, your truck alt avg will push between 110-150 depending if its a large diesel or somehthing of the sort. you're 4 channel amps genraly only pull about 60-80 amps, so your looking at about 300...so yes, i'd def say you'll want a larger alt, also for a 2nd batter you'll need an isolator, or the batterys will drain each other, they run ya about 60-80$ depending. also, i'd throw on a 4 farred + capacitor, especily since i dont even know of any alts pushing 300 amps, you might be better of getting 2 smaller alts. might i ask why your diving in so hard? this could be alota money :| if you want thump, just 2 of those L7's is strong enough to blow a window :|
Oh yeah i just got done looking up the 4 subs and amps thats a lot of money.....so yeah im thinking about going with just 2 L7.....15 inch.....1000 watts to each......I am gonna stay with one batt but to be safe sould i get a higher outout alt? Like maybe a 200 amp alt? I am thinking about making my own box also....and all the boxes i see online with those L7's in them are all ported......is that the smart thing? Would that give bigger thump? Ported better than sealed? and how much air space does those 15 inch L7 take? Thanks guys!
ported is better than sealed if you are going for SPL. 2 L7's aren't bad at all. i do suggest you you do make your own box if you know how. don't buy a prefab box, they suck you should be ok with a 200amp alternator running 2k watts.. if not, then just add an extra battery down the road
yeah you'd be good with a 180 amp or 200 amp alt, and if you still have probs drop in a cap, should help, especily with a hard hitting set up. as far as boxes...ive heard kicker boxes..they are nice, the small angled one pack quite a punch. ported boxes are the way to go for "thump" but there is a middle ground, knowen as bandpass, you'll never be able to build bandpass on your first attempt building, id stick pre fab if thats your choise, google concepts, there are several types of bandpass, ported, front blow out, rare ported, such and such. acuatly i think thats pretty much the only variation there is on them but as far as building..for ported..meh, it can be tricky. you can do a direct port ported box, with just a tube, or a tunnel port, much like an L shape on the inside box. they all give diff sounds, the L shape tunnel ported boxes aren't to hard to make, just a square box, but you leave 4" off one face, run it in foot or so, and done you can do things like that, look up calculations online to figuire out how to build it for the right tuning, port size will effect the sound of the sub, it can get rather complicated. thats why i stick with prefab for now
Cool I will try that out....How much cubit feet of air space do thise subs need? And how big should the port be? It will be one big box but 2 chambers. 1 port for each sub.....how big should the holes be?
Sweet dude thank you a bunch for the info! I will check that out now. Crazy ****.....there is alot to building boxes......I did not know that ****....lol