2001 Cavalier.. new deck

Discussion in 'Car Audio Head Units' started by socceralex10, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. socceralex10

    socceralex10 New Member

    hey, i am having troubles hooking up my new deck to my cavalier, i cut the stock wire harness to go directly to the new decks harness.. when all hooked up the deck wont turn on, dose anyone have any tips on how to get this working..

    plus a list of new steps would be great.. i have litle idea what i am doing :(

    thanks a lot.. hopefully get it working
  2. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Why didnt you just get a wire harness adaptor for that car? You could have connected the wires from the new head unit to the adaptor, then just plugged the adaptor into the factory harness plug...You never wanna chop the factory wiring and eliminate the factory plug....

    If you chopped that plug then you are gonna have to find a schematic for that vehicle...An adaptor would have been color coded just like your new HU wires...Red to red...yellow to yellow...black to black....then the speaker wires would have matched up too...usually grays, violets, greens, and whites with the solids being positive and the wires with the tracers negative....The factory wire colors are different....maybe someone here knows the color scheme.....I know I don't...

  3. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Do you have a test light or a volt meter?
  4. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    What Willy D said, never, never cut the factory plug, with that said

    Constant 12V+ Orange
    Switched 12V+ Yellow
    Ground Black
    Illumination Gray
    Dimmer Brown
    Antenna Trigger Pink

    Left Front (+) Tan
    Left Front (-) Gray
    Right Front (+) Light Green
    Right Front (-) Dark Green

    Left Rear (+) Brown
    Left Rear (-) Yellow
    Right Rear (+) Dark Blue
    Right Rear (-) Light Blue

    Make sure you have power on the yellow and orange wire. Use a Meter, there are two yellow wires. One speaker, one power. If your car had the RAP feature then the switched wire could be green, then there will be two greens, use a meter to confirm which is which.

    Check all your fuses
  5. socceralex10

    socceralex10 New Member

    thanks for the quick response, it was my first deck swap.. ive learnt a lesson and i got it working!!! thanks guys