into the factory speakers with like a voltmeter or something , cause as of now im getting no sound from them , sometimes they work sometimes they dont , usually dont though 9 out of 10 times, sometimes 1 works back there and sometimes both , i dont think they are blown cause they sound perfect when they work , when they dont there is just no sound any ideas ?
is there a way to check the connector with a voltmeter or something to see if the right amount of juice is goin to it
check for loose connections...same **** happened to me...then I removed the door panel and a connector fell of
had him check that azn im iming him back and forth no loose wires of connections im betting its a short in his factory amp
Yes, a voltage should be present on the speaker wires. It should be about half of battery voltage. Voltages on the positve speaker lead and the negative will be the same (within a tenth of a volt) as long as there is no shorted speaker or a bad output in the radio. I use this fact to locate a shorted speaker quickly. A shorted speaker will read 0.0 volts. A bad output in the radio will have different voltages on some of the speakers.
20 volt scale DC and yes the black lead goes to ground. Also you don't have a shorted speaker. If any one speaker shorts, all audio will shut down. The radio does this to protect its outputs. Your on the right path, you have a bad connection somewhere. While you have no audio on a speaker, check to see if you have voltage on the speaker leads. If you do you have a radio problem. If you don't have voltage and there are other speakers working you have a bad connection.
It says "dc volts" or "dc" depending on the meter, some are autoranging, others must be manually set to the proper scale. If its digital you want the screen to show "00.00" for the best readings. If its manually scaled, set it to 20volt DC, same thing with an analog meter... otherwise get someone who knows how to use it to set it up.