2 feet tuned to 24Hz

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by sandt38, Oct 28, 2002.

  1. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I'm going to get my teeth capped, but I am wondering what do those of you that have heard the Brahma ported, think this will do? I am primarily focused on SQ. I was just hoping for some more low end extension. Also, I feel due to cabin gains I will have to deal with the low end a bit. Should I use the HU EQ or just play some with an inline?
  2. DanWiggins

    DanWiggins Full Member

    If you port it, tune it low. That will keep the SQ for you. You'll get a lot more output from the driver down deep. As far as EQ goes, if you want to get serious about it get a good EQ, like the AudioControl EQT or equivalent. A band or two really aren't enough to do much with, other than just bump the bass or treble. For serious smoothing, get a good 1/3rd octave EQ or a nice 5 band parametric.

    Dan Wiggins
    Adire Audio
  3. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    That sounds real nice sandt.... I wish I could hear it :( Im thinking of a very similar setup with about 3-3.5 cubes and tuned to 24 Hz
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    do I remember right, are you in Detroit?
  5. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

  6. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    lemme try to remember. I think I know someone with a Brahma in your neck of the woods...
  7. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    GREAT!!! cause Id love to hear one before buying decisions are made!
  8. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

    according to winisd
    at 30hz you should be up around 8db more than sealed
    at 40hz
    its going to be about 4db louder
  9. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I'm all SQ. I'm looking to create a deeper, smoother low end extention. I will not port over 24 Hz... Spl is really a non issue. Take a look at it at 2 feet tuned to 24Hz, with 20Sq in of port area.
  10. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

    no sandt
    there is no spike
    should i say it in reverese

    sealed box is DOWN 8 db at 30hz
    and DOWN 4db at 40hz

    the ported curve i have is nearly horizontal at 0db from 30hz
    its up about .8db until 55hz

    it should sound very good

    ported should sound better than sealed in this case
    at least thats what i get, itl depend a bit on cabin gain

    Last edited by Krelkor at Nov 3 2002, 04:06 PM
  11. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Cabin gain is part of my consideration here K. I want to do as little EQing as possible.

    I did my measurements and I came up with enough space for the enclosure to be 1.9 feet, tuned to 24Hz, with 20Sq inches of port area. I know, I would like more but that is all I can manage.I will use external ports to aid in bracing, and some threaded rod for bracing as well.

    I will put it in the same location as the current, and it will be inverted. In the big open spot I will be doing something a bit different. I will paint the enclosure a high gloss white, and I will cut the Brahma logo out of the carpet, alowing the white to show through on the enclosure. I may accent it with some blacklight, but I am not sure. I don't want to get too cheesy. The rest of the install will not change, aside from the things I did yesterday. I will also add a fill panel to the left side, near the trunk hinge, and a carpeted cover over the battery case to eliminate the eyesore really only apparent in pictures for some reason. The box will fill the open space you see below...

  12. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Oh, wait. I see what you are refering to K. Don't look the the SPL graph. Look at the TFM, and Group delay. Look at both the 30Hz, and 20Hz tuning. You will see the peaks lower within useable frequency range. More indicative of a more SQ based enclosure. SPL is of NO real concern to me. I know it will be louder than the sealed application, and the sealed application is too loud for me right now. I will tame the gains considerably for this enclosure, I assure you ;)
  13. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member



    :D :lol: :p
  14. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member

    Heya Abra,

    Did you order your RE's yet? I'm anxious to know how you like


    pussy :lol: :D :)