my brother has an old box in his garage with 2 12 inch sub woofers and 1000 watt amp. i'm considering putting this in my 2005 toyota corolla with a stock head unit. i'll probably have it professional install because i'm no good at this stuff and there are 2 places locally that specialize in car audio. i was wondering before i ask the people that will profit from my ignorance if anyone here can supply me with a little info, i.e. will it sound alright with the current head unit i have, what kind of equipment is needed to install it or anything else you think i should know before talking to pros. thanks for any help, chris
Pedro hit the nail on the head. Quality needs a foundation and the Headunit is just that. Stock radios are only good for playing at lower volumes on stock speakers. If you MUST use your stock, then be sure to get the LOC converter mentioned above to make your speaker level outputs an RCA output(cleaner) for your amp. You didn't mention details (brand, specs) of your equipment. If you have a junky amp on junky subs in a junky box, then it won't matter. Skip the converter cause it won't make junk sound better.