1 Brahma Or 2 Perfects?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Steven Kephart, Jan 6, 2004.

  1. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I wanted to get some of your guys ideas on this. A guy on another forum was asking which would be best to go with and I want to make sure you guys agree with me.

    I know the Brahma will have better SQ (personal preferences aside). I found out that the Infinity Kappa Perfect has 14.1mm of excursion, which is exactly half of the Brahma's. So as long as Sd is very similar, output should be VERY close.

    Now from a sound standpoint, would you guys say that the Brahma will have better SQ and match two Perfects in SPL? We'll assume the power is there and similar alignments are used.
  2. TalNLnky

    TalNLnky Full Member

    1: does the infinity ACTUALLY do 14mm? been verified? could be a lil short like 12mm... get my drift, nothing against infinity. Ran them in the past and for the most part like thier stuff.

    2: been a long time since i've sat in a car with perfects, BUT i wanna say that they would have more of that "punch in your chest" sound than the brahma. hard to say tho... BEEN A LONG TIME, and i didn't run my brahma sealed for very long. THo i plan to do sealed for my final sq install.

    3:perfects have been known to not like much more than about 400rms, gotta be careful.

    4:.... those Perfects are going to distort quicker than that brahma.

    5: The perfects MIGHT have the upper hand in playing low notes( at high volumes) due to cone area, but its really hard to say... brahma has a natural bump in the low end.

    personally if you can afford a brahma, i see NO reason not to buy one.
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I had 2 perfect12s and I bought 2 Shivas for a goof when they were the craze. I was so impressed with the Shivas, I dumped the Perfects. Output was about the same, but the extension was easily in the Shiva's favor.

    Well, I changed the Shivas out for a Brahma (obviously) and the SQ and output of the Brahma absolutely buries the pair of Shivas.

    While I am often accused of being biased, bear in mind I bought all the Adire equipment at full price prior to becoming a dealer. Also, all my decisions of equipment was obviously made prior to being a dealer.
  4. josh99ta

    josh99ta Full Member

    Maybe it was just in my car, but comparing a Perfect 12 w/ 300w and a Magnum D2, ED12A, and Brahma with 400w, the Perfect isn't too far off the other super subs. As much as would be expected by a lesser sub, but I think two would be quite a different story. The Perfect I had I found to be VERY efficient and even in a box WAY too small, it had massive low end energy (0.88 cubes sealed). I went up to 1.25 cubes sealed and the "punch" dropped off but the low end was even more awesome, compareable to the super subs of today. I loved my Perfect 12 and have often thought of picking up one or two more. I have heard a Shiva 12 as well with 300w in my car and I feel the two are very comparable, but the Perfect looks loads better and takes a smaller box. I'd be hard pressed to have to make a decision between those two subs.

    Also, ME did a review of the Perfect a long time back. I've got the mag somewhere at home buried in my stack. IIRC it DID do 14mm xmax and Nousaine found it to be an amazing sub even for the $300 they were charging back in the day.
  5. Fryguy

    Fryguy Full Member

    I think I've you got 1000+ watts, go wirth the brahma, if you've got less than 1000 go with the pair of perfects.

    also, why not single brahma 15 instead of single brahma 12?
  6. jlaine

    jlaine Full Member

    Kappa perfect ranks up there with about the most horribly worthless product I've ever had to deal with in all honesty.

    Touch it with a tad to much power, you hit bottom, and it's not a soft hit. It's easy to dent, easy to blow, and hard to get working decent.

    No contest, honestly... Kappas would likely get the brahma in output - but crimeny... it's just not worth it.