I want to run shallow subs in the doors of my sedan, because I need my trunks space. I was going to glass over the sheet metal to stiffen it up a little and put an eight inch woofer in each door. I want to use the Pioneer TS-SW841D woofers, and I was thinking I could use a JL 500/1 amp to power all four??? Would I do that with a distribution block and would having the wire run so far from the amp mess up the sound? Thanks for any help.
The Long wire run wont be that big of an issue. Just be sure to use at LEAST 16 ga. wire. 12 would be bettter. You could use a distobution block(s) for the wiring, but that really isnt neccassary. Just simple butt-connectors/crimp terminals will suffice just fine.
What vehicle will this be in??? Will 8 inch speakers fit in your doors?? If the 8 inch woofers fit??? if not maybe you could use some JL 6W0s If you have a car with a back deck....why not mount some IB subs on the deck??
2005 suzuki forenza... I have JL ZR650's in the stock location, I am going to glass over the door to give it some strength and cut out a hole for the sub... plenty of space for a shallow subwoofer, most of those only need 3" of backspace and can be used in free air. I have done this before in my s10, it was very easy and worked out well. I have never wired multiple subs to one amp though, and never farther away than a foot from the amp. Sounds like this is going to be cake walk.
oh and I am in the army and need every inch of trunk space for all my crap. That's why I am not doing it the easy way.
be sure to grind away the paint on the door before you startt laying up the fibreglass, or else it stands a good chance of not properly adhering to the metal!!!
hah I don't know about using a grinder, I was thinking some coarse sandpaper would do the job. Maybe some 80 grit The sound deadner is a great idea too, I actually already have my entire car covered because I can't stand road noise. To bad, I am going to have to peel the dynamat off my doors to glass them, maybe I can salvage it.
Yeah... The subs are single 4 ohm voice coils, wiring would be straight forward except my amp would have to be 1 ohm stable... I don't think jl slasher series amps are.... Going to have to think of something. I already have the 500/1 amp, I think I will have to choose a different sub that can handle more power and settle for two subs, one in each front door for now. Probably go with that clarion shallow sub, it can take 300 rms if I remember correctly.
sand paper will work, get lots of elbow grease! 40-60 grit would be best, then use acetone or paint reducer to clean the surface! (this is key)