Really weird

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Civic96, Mar 8, 2003.

  1. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    So here I am sitting at my computer desk and writing my 12 page Poli-Sci midterm when I hear screaming coming from outside. I look out my window and I see two Taurus's parked the side of the street. In the first Taurus was a man(Husband?) and in the second Taurus was a woman(wife?) with her hazards on. The husband comes out of the car and starts screaming like a mad man. He openes the door of his wifes car and they are yelling back and forth in English/some other language I could not understand. The woman opens the trunk of her tuarus for him, he goes in the back, looks for something, and then closes it w/o taking anything out. They scream something about taking the car someplace but I didnt understand much of what they were screaming. The woman gets out of the car and she is yelling at the man, and this goes on for a good 5 minutes......needless to say I just sat back eating and laughing. The woman gets in the mans car, the man gets in the womans car. The woman starts driving away and the man honks at her andstarts screaming shit out the window while she is driving away but she doesnt stop. He puts his car in reverse and goes backwards about 2 mph until I can no longer see him, and my field of view was a good 3 blocks.

    Can someone please tell me what happened? Im so confused...........

    Damn Fords..........built tough :rolleyes:
  2. blitzdemon

    blitzdemon Full Member

    lol, maybe they werent husband and wife...maybe they were 2 complete strangers that got their vehicals messed up at a mall or somin and were b****in at each other cuz they thought they stole stuff or whatnot
    funny story none the less