
Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Civic96, Feb 21, 2003.

  1. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I read a few articles on CAF concerning the breaking in of subs and it seems that people argue for and against whether it makes a difference.

    From personal experience with my 2 Kicker Comp vrs I can easily say that after a week of being broken in, my subs sound completely different.

    A) they sound a whole lot cleaner
    B) They are louder

    At this point Im very happy with the results and can only hope that I can dynamt the trunk sooooooooooooooooon.

    So yeah, there is a difference after subs have been broken in and I say that knowing that Tortoro or whatever his name is said there is a negligible/no change in sound
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I agree. I think some Mfgs don't run their subs prior to purchase, while others do. I assume that is why some have the "break in" smell and others do not. I believe it allows the woofers suspension to become more copliant, or soft. Good observation, and fantastic personal opinion. Thanks!!!
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    all depends on the subs,

    I never heard any differance with my HSLs, Avalanche's, Pioneers, Radio Shacks (I know I know those were my high schools days) etc
  4. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Yea I think its depends on the subs too...

    But a lot of the time I dont really think its necessary. I think some people just do it for piece of mind. Me, I will noramlly just play it for a little before I go ahead and play it full volume.

    Kinda like a sports car not many people floor it right off the lot they just like to break it in a little...
  5. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    my car reaked of burnt rubber for a couple of days but I wasnt too sure whether it was the speakers or subs.......hehe
  6. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    I dont think anyone said there wont be a sound difference, just that it wont hurt them to not pre break them in. Once the spider losens up, all of the parameters change(it may be a small change, but often noticable)
  7. Warbleed

    Warbleed Full Member

    To some extent it's necessary with just about any driver, especially if the driver wasn't broken in at all at the factory.

    The Blueprint 1803 I got recently actually should have a pretty compliant suspension, but when it came it was practically as hard as a rock. It has softened quite a bit after some nice 10hz breakin.

    Haven't really used it again very loudly though since we got security called on us 5 seconds after putting it in the box...hehe.
  8. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Hehe...where do you live?
  9. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member


    With our subs, there's definitely a big difference.

    But it won't hurt anything at all to just install them and go, without breaking them in... they just won't quite behave as they are designed to until you have used them a little while.

    It's just if you want to take the time to break them in, when you actually do install them they will perform at 100% of their capabilities right from the get-go, that's all!

    Honestly, I have never really broken my subs in prior to installing, just play lots of good bass music, go cruising the strip at 145dB as low as you can get, and in a couple days they will be fully broken in... B)

    But if you have a big amp in your home (I have a QSC MX1450 here, does 1400x1 at 4 ohms), you can run it overnight, free air, on 10Hz.
    I have my computer hooked to it in the test lab, I just turn LMS's oscillator to 10Hz, but you could hit "repeat" on a 10Hz or 20Hz sine wave test tone on a test CD just as easily.
    It's definitely no big deal if you aren't set up to break in subs prior to use.
  10. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    All I wanted to do was point out that the subs sounded much better after a weak of play....hehe
  11. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Yea I would agree...

    I just dont think all subs need to be played 'lightly' first. Weather you play them soft or pound them hard they will break in and after time will sound better(I think geo pretty much covered that). Although I have heard ina few cases certain subs need to be played softly first. I first heard about that when I heard about the Eclipse TIs....(fact or fiction? I honestly dont know...)