Intall update...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by gscustoms, Feb 17, 2003.

  1. gscustoms

    gscustoms Full Member

    Thought i'd Just post an update on my install...
    My old install is located at click Car Audio

    but i built a new box for my beast, and have a few new pics...

    note: i have a matching panel that flush mounts sub. And a panel for the bottom.
    The black area under sub is a plexi's on order so MDF is filling in!
    Also, the BEtter Audio's really bigger than that.. the US acoustics amp is smaller, and i couldint deal with two different sized windows! so it only shows a portion of the amp :)
    Also the three plexi windows will all be backlit with blue neon, and the center window you can see the huge motor of the 15" through it, and it has a mirrored plexiglass panel behind it...

    Also, If anyone missed my review of my BEtter Audio 15", it's located here:

    Tell me what you think of my install so far...

  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I like it so far....
    I want to see the top panel and bottom panel though! :p
    Where's those pics?

    Got a few questions...
    What is going in that black recess right above the port? What's that for?
    Also, I'm not sure about the amp cozies... can you get in there to make adjustments? And by gosh, wouldn't you just want to display that whole 1600M1? :p

    When do you think you'll have it done?
  3. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    Looks like a beast of a cabinet. Bet it is loud though.

    Have to ask about that cars' upolstery. MY GOD is that from the 70's show?
  4. gscustoms

    gscustoms Full Member

    Geo- that blank panel above port is a plexiglass window... I dont have the plexi yet, it's been ordered.. so i have MDF filling in.

    basically when you look in that window, you'll see the motor, backlit by blue neon, and a mirrored panel behind it. Also the plexi window has "No Escape" engraved on it.

    The fabric in the car is really suble, but in that light it does look a bit disco!

    The Top panel just need to be vinyled and it'll be done.
    and the bottom panel has "BEtter Audio" cut out of it, with a mirror under it, lit with neon. Im trying to decide how i want to do it...
    I dont have 4 way stretch vinyl, so it's going to be a royal bitch to stretch it over WORDS! even though they are like 3" ...
    Im thinking making it out of plexi as well, with the words sandblasted in...but it's not really the effect im looking for!

    as far as completion.. Im aiming for saturday night! all im wating on is the neons and plexi, both have been ordered.

  5. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    looks sweet man.... cant wait to see it finished. Is that a changeable port? How well does it work?
  6. gscustoms

    gscustoms Full Member

    It works great! With my old box I did the same thing, but I used small bolts, and they bent after many removals and reattachments, so this one I used BIG bolts and big wingnuts.

    I have a rubber gasket between port and box so it's completly airtight.

    After i get metered i'll let you know how the SPL port works :)

  7. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    I really like the port plug. What a nifty feature. When the box is sealed do you know the Qtc alignment?
  8. gscustoms

    gscustoms Full Member

    It doesint seal it off...

    With the plug it tunes to 27hz with 28sq in. of port, without the plug it's 45hz with 75 sq in. of port..
    I decided not to go with the sealing plate because it's a pretty big box, and I have PLENTY of power, so I'd have to worry about overexcursion...I did have that feature in my last box, it just didint work out to well so i left it off!

  9. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    Interesting. Cool idea. Looking orward to the finished product!
  10. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    New pics, new pics, new pics!
  11. gscustoms1

    gscustoms1 Guest


    Im working on it!
    After last weekends car show...and the sunburn/hangover that followed, I havent even touched it!

    Im waiting on my neon tubes, and plexiglass....

    I really do need to get this done though, I just helped a friend build a 12cu ft fiberglass box for 4 15" I need to compete with that! atleast MY 15" still has more xmax than all 4 of his 15"s put together! :lol:

  12. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    why did you point the sub up? always thought that toward the tailgate is the optimum direction...? Plus you can put a cargo cover over the whole thing so nobody can peak from outside... I guess I must be paranoid about thieves... LOL... nice clean install but are you going to upholster the box and the false floor anytime soon?
  13. gscustoms

    gscustoms Full Member

    well... once again....Ive built a NEW box!
    the old one was good, but Ive had multiple SPL competitors suggest this design idea, so I figured I'd give it a shot!
    glad I did!

    Im keeping this box for ATLEAST a year, hehe

    Im verry happy with how it turned out.
    I have neon tubes that accent different parts, and I have one panel left to vinyl, and a system diagram to print up.

    Let me know what you think!
