I'm new and I have a problem?!?! help please.

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by tylers71, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. tylers71

    tylers71 New Member

    Ok so I have a very annpying problem. I spent the last 2 days installing a new stereo, 2 new door speakers, a 1200 watt lanzar mono block amp and I have 1, 15inch precision power sub. Everything is hooked up and ran right with good wires and I have a strong secure connection. My bass hits HARD and shakes everything I couldnt be more happy....BUT....when I go to turn my stereo up past 25 the audio sound, or the actual music, skips and eventually stops playing. I messed with the treble and bass on the stereo and it does nothing. Idk if my stereo and speakers are to powerful for my interal amp or if I have wiring wrong...please someone who knows what to do help me. THANK YOU ALL!!!:lol:
  2. Fbmowner

    Fbmowner Full Member

    What kind of headunit are you using? The only time ive ever experienced skipping with high volume, it was caused by the decks crappy "anti skip". Try going past 25 with the subs off and see if it still happens.
  3. deepbass

    deepbass Full Member

    Remember portible cd players. Well eventually they had skip protection. Headunits have them to a certien extent. But if its a cheap one or budget range of a good manufacturer.

    You need to find a good headunit that has a decent level of anti skip. Should say it in the specs. What head unit you have. And as above try with subs off.
  4. danny_khan

    danny_khan Full Member

    can you check your amp it while going toward 25 & see if it is tripping. If it is tripping then you are have a power problem.