i have 2 12's Mtx 8500 in a pre frabicated box but im thinking its too small and its sealed box too im wondering wat would be better ported or sealed?? and i still have my factory radio its using a rca converter and also i have a boss ce3800d if it would help
First I'm not a fan of pre fab boxes, the only exception is ProBox. It depends, sealed boxes are super smooth, excellent transient response and a really good choice for SQ. If your want loud, then ported is the way to go
the first thing id do is put an after market deck in with sub outs... and get a new amp that will push those subs
Sealed is nice! It depends on the specifications of your subwoofers. I went ahead and did some research on your question and came upon this. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110305201740AAkzdcV I personally prefer the sound and feel of sealed boxes over the ported, the bass seems to be punchier but then again that's just my opinion.