sub is a single vc cerwin vega 250watts rms.....for sub alone asking 50+shipping, sub and box asking 60+shipping, for sub and amp and box asking 260+shipping.. 250 for sub and amp with out box... amp is an re audio dts1500.1.... 450watts rms@ 4ohm 750@2ohm and 1000@1ohm.. sub is single 4 ohm.. amp goes nicely with it..
i will also have a 15" Re Audio SRI D4 in tomorrow that will be for sale.. its brand new in the box.. can post pics of that if anyone is interested.. and also will have an Re Audio 15" SEX D2 tomorrow.. let me know if anyone is interested and ill post pics.. both bnib.. will sell either of the 3 subs with amp or all of them.. for extra i can make a box for u also built to any demensions u want and finished however u like.. im always here