Problem with something....

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by That1314dude, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. That1314dude

    That1314dude New Member

    Ok so this is my problem. I just recently bought a new system. All of it is comprised of Volfenhag. (well just the Amp, and sub) The amp is a 1850watt 400rms mono block and the sub is a 800w 450rms with dvc. I have sub wired down to 2ohms. The cables are 4 gauge both power and neg. I have a clean ground, and all the wires are installed correctly. The system sounds very nice, but sometimes the bass just goes away. It will be hitting nice and hard and then out of nowhere just fade away, not really fade just gone. Sometimes it will pop back on and sometimes even if I shut the car off for awhile and start it back up it doesn't come back on. The amp doesn't go into protect mode unless I am really cranking it, which I don't do anyway. It did blow one of the onboard fusees once. I am so lost as to what this can be, out of all the systems I have had, this has never happened before, and it is driving me crazy. It has been retarded hot here since I installed it about a month ago, but like I said, the amp doesn't go into protect so I don't think it is thermal shut down. Any advice or suggestions would be very very appreciated. Thanks in advance.:confused:
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i think your problem lies in your brand choice. the amp is not of good quality. :no:

    "The amp is a 1850watt 400rms mono block" this statement makes no sense. :confused:
  3. That1314dude

    That1314dude New Member

    How does it not make sense? I am not 100% on the rms as I lost the specs. However almost every amp doesn't push what it says it's max wattage is. Which is why I paired it with the 450 watt rms sub. Are you saying a class D amp should put out more rms:confused:
  4. shriver187

    shriver187 Full Member

    well for one thing.. most.... not all but most monoblocks put out the most power at 1ohm and assuming the same is true for ur amp.. if it is wired at 2 ohm ur lucky if its putting out 225 watts.. and thats even assuming that amp does rated power which is highly unlikely.. thats why these companies put the peak watts on the amp to try and fool u into thinking it is more watts then it actually is...
  5. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    what i meant was ,if its rated at 400rms then its is a 400 watt amp, not an 1850 watt 400 rms amp...

    it just sounds wrong saying it really... like hes a skinny fat guy... you know... just busting your chops..

    anywho..lets see what we can figure out with the amp loosing power..

    what is the gain set too? and what about bass boost? does it have that, if so is it turned up at all. maybe you just don't have the power to run the amp.

    is your battery in good shape?

    i meant no offense, it's just when i posted that i just woke up in a bad mood is all.