Should I or should I not use my pre-out for my subwoofer?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by iSamurai, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. iSamurai

    iSamurai New Member

    I just installed a new deck that has an RCA preout for a subwoofer. On my previous deck, and how it's currently wired as well, I have my sub signal spliced from the rear channel feed. I use the fader to adjust the balance between sub and front speakers as my rear speakers are crap and I don't even use them. I have the bass set to the lowest possible setting so the front speakers are just for mids/highs. This setup has worked great for me. Now my new deck has a preout, and an LPF on the deck. Should I even bother using it? I have an LPF on the amp so I don't see why I'd need the LPF of the deck, and I don't use my rear speakers anyway. The only advantage I can think of is maybe better SQ?
  2. 6.5ldiesel

    6.5ldiesel Full Member

    Id use the pre out, RCA's are generally better quality vs a high input like you had spliced in
    I personally like RCA's better, but its up to you.
  3. iSamurai

    iSamurai New Member

    Other people are telling me to use the preout since it will allow me to lower the gain on my amp. Makes sense so I'm going to go do rewire it right now :) Thanks for the help.