Ok so i thought of this while I was at work, with a ported box with magnet in box which placement is best? Having the woofer face the trunk to bounce off, facing the driver to bounce off the front window, facing to the side wall of the trunk, laying down pointing to the trunk lid, build on feet and point to the spare tire ?
it can varry on the car, an upward rake or upfiring position is ideal for anything with a cabin thats connected to the trunk, but with most sealed trunks a rear firing position or side to side is gneraly the staple, the differences can be minoote. you're logic is sound, the waves do bounce around, and should have room to move, other than that though it doesn't matter, depending on how its shaped and how much porting into the cabin you hae, you might find you will hear the direction of the bass, if you do, move it and tune it till you don't, it's quite the simple, their is no yes or no here to be honest. another HUGE factor is vibrations, you might not realise why you can hear the direction but in 90% of cases it's because you can hear the matal's reacting to the vibrations of the sub's waves, so what you hear in that situation is resoonence with the metal, you DO NOT want this. you don't have to completely deaden everything, a trick of the trade , and if you use your highschool phyisics you can figuire out if you put breaks in the watter the waves are smaller, so what we're saying is put strips of deadener instead of completly coating it. the stripes act as breaks, even if their is a large resonence it will break and vibrate through the deadener, move through and be cut down as it moves away. think of it as watter.
Well my car, the trunk and cabin are connected since i fold down the rear seats and dont use them. Their really is not enough room to fire up, Usually I run with pointing at me with the box as far back in the trunk. I only ask this because this time i was thinking with my new box try side wall firing while the seat being down so the trunk and cabin are connected since my new box is 6" wider so mounting would be easier to fire at the side wall. Noise im not 100% worried about but i wont trunk fire because i hate the sound of trunk lids rattling its not very cool to me; this car has too many road miles for me to wanna invest any more money into that field for noise removing, but the stripping is a great idea.
test out diff positions... in my hatch sub up port up up against the rear seat sounds best to me.. sub back is louder but sounds so different. i dont like it. id rather it sound good than to be super loud. so trust your ear and move it around.
I love when somebody proves me right ^_^ having it up against the rear really makes no difference, you're still letting the sound waves move and open up, so really the only thing pushing it all the way back is making is probobly saving your ears. the difference in power can be minute, but the difference in DB could be huge, which i'm sure is why you slid it back, because the bass was over whelming you. having the seat back doesn't not imitate a hatch back completly, as a hatchback has an open top, which is why the upfire position works best for that situation, while seat down gives the effect, the positions of the sub can be completly different. another way to port your trunk into your cabin is your rear deck, i have many holes in my rear deck, and the baffleing around my speakers was cut up so the air was free flowing, so theirs about a 30-40% gain in air flow from my trunk to my cabin, making for me, the perfect sound ^_^ but depending on your setup, processoring, and everything this always varrys from person to persons situation. my conclusion, the way your run it currently, you will here no difference (unless you built the box diferently) than when it was seat down, agaisnt the back wall of the trunk. like i said, the sound waves just need room to expand and "mature", depending on how much shaking and power it has though, you might still find your self finding the location of the sub over your drivers, if thats the case try it with the seat up to deaden things up. a sealed box will have less of this problem. also time alignment and sound processing almost eliminates point of origin issues. of course, these are only factors if your a nut about your sound quality. but since you're asking, i can only assume its because you care how it sounds, and this is the advice i offer to you, enjoy
awesome thanks guys, I think im just gonna stick with the old methods because with the new box i really wanna put it in and be done, due to small space and moving would become a hassle. I'll just try and get creative with how to fit the amp and cap with the change in box width and depth.