Okay, I have a 2005 Honda civic LX. I threw a kicker L5 12" in a vented box hooked up to a zx750. (4 gauge wire). The sub absolutely SLAPPED compared to all my buddies subs and I was the happiest guy ever for a solid 3 months, then I was bumpin' to some Oxycontin by lil wyte one day..... And It just stopped hitting and I had a panic attack. I checked everything! After that It would hit for a little bit then cut off and the amp would shut off if I turned it up too high..... I literally checked everything.... Eventually, the amp wouldn't even turn on and I got fed up..... Recently I bought a Sony Xplod 1000 amp from a buddy hoping it would magically fix the problem and hooked it up.... The amp would turn on and I would turn on the reading lights in my car and they would flicker like they were hitting to the song and so were my head lights.... My sub was (and still is) making a very slight buzzing noise when it hits even when it's turned up (the amp).... When I turn up the volume, my amp cuts out..... I am highly confused and I'm not a genius..... Please help me!!!
Well the reason why your interior lights, and headlights are dimming (with the music) is because your voltage system isn't strong enough. You need to do the BIG 3 you can google it, and if the dimming still happens than you need to add a second battery in the back. What are the settings on your amp tuned to? Try turning the gain down some and bass boost as well if they are cranked up. The buzzing noise that you are hearing is more than likely engine noise, this can be caused by running your audio cables (RCA's) on the same side as your power wire from the battery, also a bad ground can cause this problem. If neither of these are the problem than try replacing the the audios. Hope this helps