Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by sandt38, Jan 22, 2003.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I split this topic up, I took the post in the wrong direction, and it took away from sandt announcment, so I decided to split the topic, the Posts on the price fixing issue are not found in the Off topic Section...
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    there is your awnser

    pick out a name yet[/b][/quote]
    I haven't picked out a name. I am having difficulty doing so. I like my other name, but I don't want to use it in the open and lose my Cadence connection ;) . Besides, it is a multi-proprietor company, and this deal is mine alone. Not that I don't want my partner to be screwed out of any money, but there are various reasons like the ones I mentioned above. If I can get Cadence authorised (not looking too good right now) I will use the name, as long as Dan doesn't mind a partnership based buisness (being that he has approved me, not nessicarily my partner).

    Slump, the fact that I have not been authorised yet by the other companies is why I do not want to mention them here. Cadence would be the biggest company, the others are all small companies that are moving up in the industry. I don't want to get in with a company that may fail, leaving a heavy burden on me should warranty issues arise ;) . I promise, they will be good ones.
  3. 98LowRanger

    98LowRanger Full Member

    This is a difficult thing to establish, or to know about in advance, this "reputation" thing...
    I'd be glad to vouch for you in regard to that...

    Not only can I vouch for you as an entrepreneur, as I bought a small load of Cadence gear from you way back when (couple amps and a comp set), but as a contributor to the forums.. and really to the car audio hobbyist community as a whole.

    You even volunteered to help me (your main career up until this point as a multi-certified mechanic) with my supercharger on my Civic, doing a little troubleshooting.

    People are often people, you can't change them...Their attitudes are their attitudes...
    I think in a big way, your attitude comes through in some way in the things that you do, but in fact will steer and influence the things you do.

    I've had quite the difficulty dealing with people's prissy attitudes in bricks-and-mortar showrooms, so it is with open arms and a smiling face that I would greet someone such as yourself into the retail business! B)[/b][/quote]
    Yeah I totally agree. Seth always seems like he is willing to help. He even takes the time to answer my very dumb new to audio questions too and I really appreciate that. I think you will do just fine with this new second "job" Seth.

    The Brahma 10 is on my top list of subs so it would be pretty easy and make me feel better about just getting it from you. All I wanna know is when your going to start selling PHOENIX GOLD!?

  4. Slump_Da_Hustla

    Slump_Da_Hustla Full Member

    Just buy a bunch of pyramid shit and cover the logos up with your own company logo stickers, then double the price and make up bogus reasons why you won't honor the warrantee when th shit breaks. :D

    On a serious note, are you gonna do that whole pre-order thing? Cuz I would reccomend against taking money from customers for products that aren't available yet or are on back-order. People have a hard time understanding that it's not your fault that they haven't gotten thier shit yet. If you take thier money and tell them they'll get a specific product on such-and-such date, and then the manufacturer fails to meet thier deadline than you end up looking like the asshole. I could give you an example of a situation like this ;) Instead you might want to just take a small deposit to hold the item till it's available...
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I haven't picked out a name. I am having difficulty doing so. I like my other name, but I don't want to use it in the open and lose my Cadence connection ;) . Besides, it is a multi-proprietor company, and this deal is mine alone. Not that I don't want my partner to be screwed out of any money, but there are various reasons like the ones I mentioned above. If I can get Cadence authorised (not looking too good right now) I will use the name, as long as Dan doesn't mind a partnership based buisness (being that he has approved me, not nessicarily my partner).

    Slump, the fact that I have not been authorised yet by the other companies is why I do not want to mention them here. Cadence would be the biggest company, the others are all small companies that are moving up in the industry. I don't want to get in with a company that may fail, leaving a heavy burden on me should warranty issues arise ;) . I promise, they will be good ones.[/b][/quote]

    here you go

    I just whpped this up in like 20 mins so dont be too terrible on me
  6. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Yes, you know you want to use "Old Man Audio"... :D :D :D :p :p B) :rolleyes: :) ;)
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Yes, you know you want to use "Old Man Audio"... :D :D :D :p :p B) :rolleyes: :) ;)[/b][/quote]
    did you like that little flash animation?????

    I have a whole site design that I think would work really well for seth, and that name, I am going tp put it together in a preview, and present it to seth later

    I have sunday off ( my first day off in 2 weeks :blink: ) so maybe I can whip it together then
  8. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    LOL, Mike, that's awesome.
  9. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    OMG, thats great. I think thats a winner mike. Seth, jump aboard man.
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well I am off to work

    but here is the "layout"

    Seth if you see this, and Like it here is the Features I will add to it for Functionality, and Ease of mant.

    1> All Written in PHP...
    2> Make use of As Much CSS as I can, so you can Change colors easy later on
    3> Backend, php Admin area for Adding, and Editing Product Info
    4> Use of a MySQL database for dymanic Serving of the Pages, making the # of pages much much smaller, and if/when product updates occur or product change you will not have the have edit EVERY page, liek you would with a staic HTML site
    5> a PayPal shopping cart can be EASYLY added to the Mix

    Remeber this is very very basic, but the that is the best part of it,

    Will not take much time for me to "code" the site, and then you can add the product yourself as they come along, there will be no need for me to touch the code once it is done, unless you want to change things

    As far as adding product go, you will just have to fill out a form and press "sumbit" and your product or new manurcaturer will show up

    smae with eiting the product info

    ohh and it can be customixzed to another name, but I think old man audio is cautching, it sticks in your head, and that is what you want....

    I wich I would have thought of it
    :D :D :D :D
  11. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Holy shit Mike, that is nice!!!

    I think I like that.

    I like the name and all, it is funny... but will it be taken seriously? That is my consideration. I love that old fart holding the Brahma, and the B12 fading into the background... That is really killer.
  12. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    Seth, omg man. This amp is making a beast out of my sub man. That lil sumbitch is throwing some air. I'm experiancing some slap, but man this thing is moving. I wasnt able to get the amp rack put together the way its gonna be after the final stages, but its on its way. I got some more wires to run through it, and some cleaning up to do, but its coming along. It wont be complete till i get my second amp though. Its really nothing i want to show at this point, so dont expect any pics. hehe. i got my sub amp and distribution block set in nicely, but thats bout it for now.
  13. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    PICS PICS PICS!!!! :lol: :lol: :D :blink:
  14. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    Good luck with this venture Seth. I hope you do very well.
  15. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    I dont see what would hold anyone back from buying at a store with a funny name. As long as you have a good reputation and products. I mean look at the wawa conveinience stores, you cant tell me that isnt a funny/weird name. ;)

    And yes Mike I love the flash.

    So whats the small prize? ;) :D :p
  16. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Actually fellas it is seeming wherever I post this, they like SANDT SOUNDS. Many seem to feel that "Old Man Audio" while amusing, doesn't have the "Umph" to pull the younger car audio crowd in. I may have a decent reputation among many of you on the forums, but I hope my buisness spreads further than that (no offence). I will also be selling HT equipment as well, so I need to keep the title neutral, for the older crowd that will spend $2500 on a pair of front speakers for their HT. I don't want to come across as making light of older people (hey, they don't know how old I am).

    I do love the flash and the Pics of the old guy with the mini Brahma in his hand, and the general consensus is to stick with that. I would like to know if the site loads up quickly for you 56K users out there. I think the only changes will lie in the name of the store. Also, I might like to see a "skip intro" option, as often times I will do just that, or walk away from a site before entering it fully if forced to watch a long flash intro. Mike, I think we need to discuss that store design, I like it. It is the simplest, nicest overall design that has been presented to me thus far.
  17. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Oh Cort, stealing my thread... My moment of glory... :unsure:

    Well, stop bragging about it and come show it off. It looks like Mark and I will be putting his set in tomorrow (monday) at the house, so give me a holler and stop by.
  18. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Drop me a Email

    My Work Load is Getting back to Normal now, and will get even normaler (sp) after we get in to March as I will be in the Lafayette Lowes Store from 9-5 5 days a week, and that is it, no more traveling, no more extended hours,

    Ohh, and many site designers try and go over board, I did for a long time, Now I use the KISS method to web deisgn

    for those of you that dont know that KISS stands for, it is Keep It Simple Stupid
  19. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Simple is awesome! The site Mike whipped up ran nicley on 56k.