Sandt- I've got a Brahma 10 Box Question

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Ufdah, Jan 23, 2003.

  1. Ufdah

    Ufdah Full Member

    Well I've had a Brahma 10 in my 2001 Silverado Ex-Cab for about 6 months and I'm wanting more SQL :p out of it (I must admit though that the SQ is mind boggling). Right now it's in .48 ft^3 (net) sealed with 1500WRMS and I'm hitting about 122db. I saw you recommended 1ft^3 @ 23Hz to someone else and I'm wondering if that still stands. I was also looking at tuning up around 30Hz in 1ft^3, how much program information would I loose from 20-30Hz?

    I can't really go over 1 ft^3 due to space and the sub is already inverted.
    And one of the most important questions is what would you reccomend for porting, area and type? I may be able to do a folded port in the box or I could run a boner port. Thanks, Ufdah
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Linear dustcap... that is great :lol: .

    yes, 1 foot at 23Hz is perfect.

    Motor strength throughout linear travel is massive and subsonics need to be set right at tuning or unloading will become an issue.... Trust me :( . A 6th order set to 30Hz would cause fairly signifigant loss of low low end. It really depends on the music you are listening to as to wheather it will present any real loss. Also, I suggest tuning lower to reduce resonance peaks within the vehicle. Unless you drive a limo, I think it is safe to say 23 Hz should settle you far enough away from resonance ;).

    Of course, if you are just looking to peak out and SPL yourself to death, A higher tune may be in order.
  3. Ufdah

    Ufdah Full Member

    Thanks for the quick reply, now the only thing I'm wondering is port area and style...
    If I go 1 ft^3 @ 23Hz that's a 60" long 4" port. I have no Idea how to fit that in the truck. I guess what I really need is a good minimum port area #.
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Look into slot porting, and use a wrap around. Go to my box builders site for an idea of how to do one. You will need around 15Sq inches of port area.
  5. Ufdah

    Ufdah Full Member

    Hey, thanks! I should be able to get 15sq. in. of slot port folded into that that thing somehow. The inverted install makes it way easier to achieve.

    I'll report my results when I get the box built.
  6. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    You got metered and were hitting 122?
  7. Ufdah

    Ufdah Full Member

    I've got a Radio Shack SPL meter for HT and tweaking the PA system @ church that I use. Deffinately not the end all but good enough to get a rough Idea.
  8. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    sure, 2 1/2 by 6 inch should be easy to squeez in there in a wrap around.
  9. Ufdah

    Ufdah Full Member

    How about 1.5x10? I seem to recall JL's site said the ratio of LxW shouldn't be more than 9:1 and 1.5x10 is less than that.
  10. Ufdah

    Ufdah Full Member

    Hey I just earned my first apple!!! I feel so special. :D
  11. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    mine is 2.5X8 with no issues.