Sorry if this has been covered, did a search and didn't get anything really solid.... My current setup is in my 69' Mustang GT. Currently running an Alpine CDA-7876 deck, to an Alpine crossover, to an Alpine V12 MRV-F307 amp for the fronts and rears. The front components are rather small JBL GTIs (dont have the model number on hand) The subs, two JBL GTI 10" are powered by their own JBL BP1200.1 amps sitting in a box firing directly into the cab. I did load up the car with sound deadening material, however it is a 40 year old car and there is a lot of engine and road noise. Thus, to really enjoy the system I need to have my Alpine deck turned up to around 19-22. However, I get a good amount of distortion in the high end. Is this due to my deck? Gain too hot? I am ready to buy a new deck regardless (preferably Alpine to work with my CD changer), but have heard Sony decks are better for high volume playback. Thanks! Pics of the cars & setup: If anyone could recommend another receiver that would be great, I have been out of the game for a bit so I am not current on what the best decks are out there. I need at least 3 pre outputs, 4v preferred, mp3 CD & ipod playback. Alpine would be preferred so I can still use my CD changer. Thanks.
Thanks for the responses, going to work on it today to rework the gains and levels. Another question: If I bridged my current Alpine MRV-F307 Amp it would give me good enough power to power my JBL c508s in the front, but then can I use my Alpine CDA-7876 deck to power my rears for the fill? Thanks again!
That's a good plan.Just make sure to do a google search on how to set the gains properly,you don't want any problems.
It is going to complicate the setup with all my crossovers and whatnot, Im going to need to play around with it.
Does your x-over have a built in line driver? the problem is your hu only puts 4 volts to the sub and maybe less to the front and rear channels so changing hu's wont really help much unless you get one with 8 volt outputs. look at some line drivers, several companies make them, fosgate g=has the bld series, jl audio has the clean sweep, audiocontrol has the matrix 6 channel. The audiocontrol might be your best bet since its a 6 channel so you can run both of your amps. You will get a increase in volume but it will also be super clean. There was a HUGE difference after I installed my cleansweep. Hope this helps out.
oh by the way your amp puts out plenty of power to run those speakers unbridged, really no need to bridge it.
Really? The Alpine puts out 39w x 4, the front JBL C508s in my car are rated at 125w RMS, 500 w Peak. The rear fills are rated at 100w RMS, 300w peak. I was sure I was only giving them about 25%. I will look into the line drivers, thanks for the info
they just have a set of inputs which take the rca's from your hu and then some outputs that plug into your amp and they require the same power, ground and remote as your amp. Just remember that all amps will have a max voltage input, if you try to give it more than it can handle you will get distortion.
Its not just gain sttings Most stereos I run across the gain is set to high and the frequencys are all out of wack If your amp has a high pass match that to the interiors amp frequency and if it has a sub do the same thing this will create a db curve. Another this is the eq on the head unit if you keep all the bass frequencys below the mid point and set the the high ramping up to the highest you can usually get a more balanced effect the lines below show how i set my eq it works for my and sound crystal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ -- _ -- -----------------------------_-------------------------------------------- _ -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------