Ive been looking to buy a HO alternator for my car i have a 2000 Toyota corolla Im finding that its hard to find one for this model/year for a reasonable price. What do u guys think if i just buy a few stock alternators will that work or will this cause a problem of some sort? thanks
same voltage....twice the amperage! Are ya sure ya have room to easily install 2 alts? I am sure it could be done, but whats the hassle factor? Another thing, what is the rated output of a corrolla alternator? Perhaps another stock alternator from say dodge or chevy will do more output than your stock and get you what you need? just throwing out some options here......
thanks for those ideas i dint even think of going to a different manufacturer. after looking under the hood i think that i can fit 2 alternators together under the hood but i think that getting an alternator for a different make car will end up working better. just another quick question though. what should i look for when deciding on an alternator. Im assuming that a alternator designed for a Chevy v8 will not work with my small 4 cylinder engine so should i look for cars that have similar engines? (P.S. i researched the Toyota, the current alternator output is 80 amps, i am looking for >200. Im not so sure i will be able to accommodate that much but that's what Im looking to achieve.) Thanks again