I'm looking to replace my 4 channel Zapco amp that fried. What are everyones opinions of these companys amps? Kenwood/Kenwood eXcelon Rockford Fosgate Pioneer Sundown Linear Power <-- the old school refurb ones? Any info would be realy helpful
if your looking for name brand i would suggest kenwood excelon, sundown, rockford fosgate, or my favorite kicker.
since you have linear power in there you must know the old school stuff. you may want to look in to the old orion SX amps too. powerful and clean.
Linear Power is clearly the best out of all the choices you listed. Rockford would be a close second and the rest dont matter.
I agree with old school. I m an old school fool too. Back in the day amps seem so much better. Search ebay. I seen a few PPI, Orion HCCA reds, and Punch 45/75. For newer amps, if I had money to burn, i like Arc Audio and Audison.