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3 Power Acoustik MOFO 12's

Discussion in 'Subwoofer Box and Custom Fabrication' started by Lazy Eye, Dec 8, 2010.

  1. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    I got 3 Power Acoustik Mofo 12's, I have a box already but am not happy with it. I'm gonna be putting it in my 99' Jeep Grand Cherokee. I would like for the subs to be on the top of the box and the port I'm not really sure I would prefer for it to be facing the lift gate. I'm not sure on what to tune it to you guys are better than me at that I want to get the most out of these subs as possible. Here's the dimensions
    40inches - Wide
    25inches - Deep
    17inches - Tall

    Lazy Eye
  2. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Please post a link to the subs specifications......
  3. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member


    You did as asked and I thank you!

    BUT! i should have have been more clear! LOL! What we need are all the theil/small parameters... my fault I apologize!
  4. Fbmowner

    Fbmowner Full Member

    Wow, my 3 year old subs are only 300ish rms and they cost me more then those back when i bought em, i think im getting a case of the upgrade bug.
    Sorry for the non useful response!
  5. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    LOL! We all have our moments!
  6. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    well, your box is about 8 cubic feet whan considering stock thickness @ .75 inches...

    Too big according to the manufacturers specs.....either for vented or sealed
  7. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    I like to use this for my box's:
    I used 40 wide,17 tall,and 25 deep,.75 thickness,7.5 square port width,and 7 square port length.Tuning came out to 35.07 hz before sub displacement.But I think this is a start for you to play with.That leaves 1.9 cubes per sub.
  8. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Sorry tommy, i dont like it.

    Its very generic and does not take into account driver parameters. Cant even change tuning frequency. Not sayin it wont work. But i personally would not build an enclosure for one of my drivers using this program.
  9. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i made my first box for 3 8's using this program. it was ok. box was a beast down low, but didnt do well above 60HZ so i had gap between my subbass and mid range.
  10. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    so can someone design one for me on here? The 15 box that I believe Ranger designed for me worked amazing was hoping that I could get another box like that?:)
  11. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    what do you mean it's to big? Those were the max dimensions that could fit in my car. The box can be whatever size it needs to be I just prefer that it is the max width because I'd like for it to fit tight between the fender wells inside. I'm weird like that lol
  12. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    I get lost with all of the parameters and stuff,so no hard feelings.I need to learn more about t/s and stuff.
  13. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Will see what I can do tomorrow
  14. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    I still need the T/S (thiel/Small) parameters to design a box for you. The link you gave me does not have the required info to get it right........

    I will spend some time helping you with a box design, i wont spend time digging for the correct info.
  15. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    I'm not exactly sure what that is.. where could I find this?
  16. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    Last edited: Dec 15, 2010
  17. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    OK then, thanks jonnyv. Lazy eye if your still interested let me know and i will work on it this wkend....some parameters are better than none no doubt!
  18. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    yeah I'm still interested, don't need it done right away but fairly soon. Just whenever you get the extra time. I appreciate it!
  19. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    OK,I have one minor design problem. Where do I put the port?

    The box will be 40-inches wide, regardless. We need to fit 3 subs side by side, thats no problem. The problem is that there is no room for the port on the baffle board.
    (I CAN fix that if I need to.)

    But I have one additional spot I can put the port, how much room is there between the port and the nearest object? I really don't need alot of distance, 3 to 4 inches would be nice.

    Anyway, go to your vehicle, look at where I'm proposing to put the port. If there is not enough room I will go to plan B

    Let me know

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