Hey I bought 2 15'' kicker subwoofers. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Kicker+...ofer/9924676.p?id=1218195774576&skuId=9924676 I need to buy an amplifier and i was wondering if this one would work well. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Crunch-P1100.2-550-Watt-2-Channel-Car-Power-Amplifier/13282448 if not do you have any suggestions?? I would like the cheapest but for the best quality thanks
ive heard nothing but bad things about crunch. plus, as ive also learned, dont buy a multi channel amp. buy a monoblock class d amp. decent cheaper brands: Power Acoustik or Lanzar
what about these? http://www.jr.com/lanzar/pe/LZR_HTG237/ http://www.jr.com/lanzar/pe/LZR_MAXP1200/ http://www.jr.com/power-acoustik/pe/PAK_CPT11500/
your link doesn't go to the subs, just the home page. there is nothing wrong with that crunch amp. people wanting more out of a small amp and running them improperly is what gives them a bad rap. another thing; don't look at MAX ratings. rms is what you need to look at. that amp is more like 125 x2 not 275. FYI.
if the final impedance of the subs matches what the amp handle, then wether the amp is a mono amp or 2 ch amp won't make a difference.
They are Kicker - Competition Series 15" Single-Voice-Coil 4-Ohm Subwoofers. heres a new link http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Kicker+...ofer/9924676.p?id=1218195774576&skuId=9924676 They have a Max watt power of 500 and a RMS of 250 watts each
would this be a good amp? http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Kicker+...ofer/9924676.p?id=1218195774576&skuId=9924676
Thanks for fixing the sub link,the amp link doesn't work.But anyways the Power Acoustik amp you linked earlier gets my vote.I have a different model Power Acoustik amp that I'm very happy with.
Run em in paralell for a 2 ohm load. This amp will work well. http://www.woofersetc.com/p9198/S55...Sedona-Series-Class-D-Monoblock-Amplifier.htm PPI makes decent stuff.
http://www.amazon.com/Kenwood-KAC-9...2PD6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1291302774&sr=8-1 This is a great amp for the money that i personally owned
Yes you can,but you'll have more power than you need so set your gain properly.Just the 1 amp is what you need.