JL XR tweets

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by staindfan, Jan 6, 2003.

  1. staindfan

    staindfan New Member

    This question is mainly aimed at geo since I know he owns/owned an XR set, but everybody's input is welcome! Also, how's that PG Cyclone treating you geo? The shop I purchased it at for you still cuts me deals since I bought it from them!

    On to the question, do you think that a pair of XR tweets could handle 85 rms a piece (at 12.9 vdc) for daily driving? 24 db slopes at approximately 3500 high pass, what's the verdict? Thanks all.
  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I absolutely love my JL XR's...

    I haven't ever run them on anything under 120 watts per side, and they definitely feel like they can take more...
    I have a 200x2 amp on them now, with the gains set conservatively low for a nice "high overhead" amp setup... and they are beyond fine with that.
    I just have the stock 12dB/octave Xovers from the set on mine.

    JL is known to be almost unbelievably conservative with their power ratings.. and this seems to hold true with their components!

    24dB/octave slope is quite steep, so I doubt you would have any problems...
    But I would research the stock Xover point, and replicate that, just for safety's sake...
    (I'd hate to find out that below 4000Hz, for example, the thing reaches it's limits :blink: )

    Before you do buy anything...
    I've heard rumors from a certain reliable someone...
    That there is someone on Ebay selling complete NEW sets for just over $100, including the new and improved (more attenuation settings) crossover!
    And this person is supposed to be a reputable seller...
    Just a little FYI... ;)
  3. zabooza

    zabooza Full Member

    best I could find on Ebay is buy now for $198, which is still a hell of a deal!
  4. staindfan

    staindfan New Member

    That's a good point, I would like to know what frequency JL considers to be best for high pass. Thanks for the help!
  5. Justin W

    Justin W Full Member

    FYI - the XR tweets have an 8 Ohm nominal rating so this change how much power you think you are putting to them...

    Not sure if there is circuitry within the JL XR Xover that brings the nominal impedance of the tweet section to 4 Ohm or if the tweets are that sensitive.

    Thought this may be of interest to you... and yes... the lower limit (+/-3dB) of frequency response is 4kHz... but I know Scott Buwalda ran a set of XR tweets (attenuated) in his 240SX as low as 1.5kHz and his other XR tweets in the car were at the stock 3.5kHz cutoff (12dB).

    Good luck-
  6. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Interesting point, Justin!
    I didn't know that myself....

    Metal domes, baby! I'd say it's definitely possible that they are "just that efficient"! That's one reason I generally DON'T prefer hard domes... and one reason I do love these domes, is because hard domes can be very aggressive, very efficient, in your face... these aren't!

    If it wasn't hidden inside my door, I'd look at the cap (and coil, if it was marked) values and try to determine with a crossover calculator if it is a 4 ohm or an 8 ohm crossover... my money would be on 8 ohms though!
  7. staindfan

    staindfan New Member

    Hmm, thanks for the info Justin. It would be ideal if they were somewhere around 6.5 ohms dc, I could give them around 55 rms.