Underpowering will kill a sub!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by dnewma04, Jan 9, 2003.

  1. dnewma04

    dnewma04 Full Member

  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I dont have time to Read all there dumbass statments

    Post and link to here, and I will set them strait if they come here spreading FALSE information

    there is NO WAY a subwoofer can blow by underpowering it

    iif that was the case there would not be VOLUME knobs :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Clipping Kills speakers NOT underpowering

    When you clipp a Amp the amp can theorically send 4x rms to the speaker, so if you have a 600w rms sub on a 300w rms amp running in full clip the sub could be getting the equvalant to 1200w's which would then blow the subwoofer
  3. gscustoms

    gscustoms Full Member

    the guy on that thread main point is....

    that the DF of a amp has to do with it.

    that a 400w amp pushing 100w into a sub has more control than a 100w amp pushing 100w into a sub (unclipped undistorted).

    i dont get it....but to each his own....
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    the only problem with that is, one false move on any of the corosovers, gain settings etc and POOF there goes your sub
  5. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    The link isn't right...
    Looks like you copied the text that was displayed as a link (from some other forum linking to it?), rather than the actual link...

    Can you go get it again.. the full link?

    And yes, there's no such thing as too little power...
    The one and only penalty for that is that you won't be as loud as you could be.

    What happens when you turn your volume knob down is you are progressively throttling back the power, until you finally turn the volume right off.
    To say that too little power kills speakers is exactly the same thing as saying that running speakers at low volumes kills them! ;)
  6. dnewma04

    dnewma04 Full Member

    That was my first question. How many speakers had he blown from turning down the volume knob? He is somehow trying to correlate the amount of power with the DF of an amp when the two are completely independent of one another. If a low DF is his argument, he should get "underpowering" out of his explanation.
  7. dnewma04

    dnewma04 Full Member

    If nothing else, you at least need to read the post by Honkeytonk Monkey....i haven't ever laughed that hard before.
  8. dnewma04

    dnewma04 Full Member

    Its not the clipping, its the excess power caused by clipping. Shouldn't that be 2x the RMS power? How did you get 4x?
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    the amp really does not produce that much more power

    but the Heat generate at the Voice Coil could be LIKE 2-4x rms..

    Due to the clipping if it goes as far a creating full Square waves.....
  10. dnewma04

    dnewma04 Full Member

    Thats true, but a square wave will only have 2x the RMS power of a sine wave.b
  11. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I just posted a doozy over there..

    That's what getting stuck at work, having too much time on your hands will do...

    I'm half dilerious as it is, it's 11pm and I got in this morning at 8am... :angry:
  12. ASM

    ASM Full Member

  13. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    and a Square Wave can be 4x that of a normal music wave which is not a full sine wave
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    he is still claiming that unbderpowering subs or any speakers kill them

    I guess we can use his logic to Fight the noise laws since we can no longer turn down our speakers, we can only play them at there rms rating :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  15. thumperfbc

    thumperfbc Full Member

    Well said, Michael. Well said. haha.

    By all the accounts you always here about flipping screwy court decisions, we might have a winning defense here. :D
  16. dnewma04

    dnewma04 Full Member

    and a Square Wave can be 4x that of a normal music wave which is not a full sine wave[/b][/quote]
    Can't argue with a square wave have more output than a music signal, in fact, I wou;d venture to say that in most cases, your 4x estimate would be on the low side. :)
  17. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    Noone is agreeing with the guy; everyone knows the truth. Just leave him alone and let it go now. Some people are just that ignorant.
  18. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    It's more fun to humble him into submission...

    Er, I mean, educate him so he is made aware...

    Seriously, I love people who are reasonable...

    But I definitely conflict heavily with people who are bullheaded...
    And really by that I mean bullheaded and wrong.

    It's like brainwashing yourself, which is the amusing thing..

    It's when you face a problem, concieve some theory or speculate some potential option.. and then skip the whole proof step, but convince yourself "this is what happened".

    Ignorance is behaving in that manner.
    Continually questioning what you know, I believe, is the path to knowledge.
  19. gscustoms

    gscustoms Full Member

    It seems to me like he doesint want to admit he is wrong because of his status...

    Look at the other threads in that section, he has answered most of the questions....and some in pretty funny ways "get speaker with biggest magnet and lightest cone" not plasic.. ect....

    He's like the driver of the short bus.....

    doesint want to be wrong infront of his followers.....