its not worth it anymore

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by sweetescape, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. sweetescape

    sweetescape Full Member

    I've had it with my system! It's nothing but a heavy pile of crap! I thought this would be a hard hitter but I was fn wrong. Ive had one 10 to be louder than this crap. Kinetik says my bank should be able to power my amp wide open for 5 mins but it won't even hold a 3 sec burp. My subs barelly flex when I do have it up. I was told my batteries didn't have a good charge but the kinetik charger says diff. I'm getting ready to sale everything! It's pretty sad when u spend close to 5 grand on a system and its weaker than systems half its size.
  2. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    I sense some disappointment.....

    Dont know what you have, what kind of vehicle or how its installed.....

    So lets back up a bit and anylize your situation. Some of the most critical aspects of a system include installation and proper enclosure for your needs or wants.

    Since I am behind the times on whats hot and rated the best as far as equipment these days, tell me what you got... what hasnt changed are the laws of physics and the way an acoustic wave propogates inside a vehicle...I among others will try and help you out...

    BTW...what is Kinetic? LOL! sorry I am old and behind the times so help me out too!
  3. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Hey Viking

    I wonder if we have a problem with the enclosure. Hey sweetescape, it took me a while to figure this stuff out. But in 2006, I finally got well into the middle 160's.

    What I learned, Enclosure, Enclosure, Enclosure, Enclosure, Enclosure
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2010
  4. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Ok Ranger...checked out the site. just a fancy battery! I am sure they have some benefits.

    OK sweetscape....Lets start with your electrical say it wont hold a 3 sec burp...describe how your electrical sytem is wired...and detail it..take pics and post if you have too..

    Even one small battery will power a big sytem when wired properly for a few minutes
  5. sweetescape

    sweetescape Full Member

    My components are 2 15" Memphis mojos..3200 watt hifonics colossus amp..(3) kinetik hc2000 batteries. When installed in my Ford escape the amp likes to go into protect. I just took it all out and sat it in the middle of my shop floor. For some reason I hooked it up and used my phone mp3 to hook into the rcas on the amp. I was bored I guess.....neways it played like a protect light and subs were flexing hard the excursion was pushing my 400lb setup across the rough cement floor. This made me mad but happy. Does this mean my rcas and or hu is the problem?
  6. bigaudiofanatic

    bigaudiofanatic Full Member

    My advice get out of that loud stuff and go with a nice SQ setup. LOL just a thought.
  7. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Well it could be RCAs. Did music play from anywhere whenever you tried it in car?
  8. Klinkster

    Klinkster Full Member

    I'm with that thought, although I'm an old fart :D
  9. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    You aint older than me... well maybe..I still got alot of kid left in me
  10. sweetescape

    sweetescape Full Member

    Problem fixed. Bad rcas
  11. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    great news. post some pics of your set up if you want too. i enjoy looking at diff types of sysems.
  12. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    I enjoy as well!