need a sub

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by squeak003, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. squeak003

    squeak003 Member

    im running a crossfire vr602. i would like to run it bridged. would like dual voice coils. have a sealed box. sub has to be a 10". first sub i had i cooked the voice coils in it after 2 years of hard use. i guess i shouldn't have switched head units. the one thats currently in it cooked the coils after 3 months of hard winter use. what would you recommend?

    Here is a pic of the box:


  2. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    What's your budget? And what size is the box?
  3. squeak003

    squeak003 Member

    not sure on the box. it has for budget.....i would say prolly $400 max
  4. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    You don't happen to know the internal volume?
  5. squeak003

    squeak003 Member

    i would have to guess as its a wedge from all four sides with compound curves. ill pull the speaker and try to get a best guess for ya.
  6. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    what are the specs of the sub you have now? you can use that info to find a new one with similar specs.
  7. squeak003

    squeak003 Member

    the one thats in it now was just a junker i had laying around. its a single voice coil audiobahn 600w peak 300w rms. the previous was diamond audio d3 that was dual voice coil 800 peak 400 rms. both cooked with very minimal gain.

    im thinking this time about trying out a kicker cvx10

    it will take 600 rms 1200 peak and will work in a sealed box between .8 and 3 cube ft. its also a 2 to 4 ohm speaker and has dual voice coils

    from what i understand, in mono bridged my amp is supposed to be 2 ohm stable so im thinking of running the coils in parallel this time instead of series and see how it works out. i can always switch back if i dont like how it sounds.

    i liked the sound out of the diamond when i had it. but if i bump it up from the d3 to a d6 im worried about if the 6 will fit in the box as i only have 7 in of depth between the top of the speaker and the back of the seat.
    i guess thats what i get for making a custom box with so many curves.

    what do you think?
  8. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    you should know that the larger the enclosure the efficiency goes up and the power handling goes down. smaller box better power handling.

    there is a way to figure out the internal vol of your box. you can use packing peanuts or similar material and fill it up 1 cu ft at a time. you need to start with a known vol then fill IT, then fill the box.

    it can be time consuming but it will get you in the ballpark and then you can make a better choice as too what sub will fit the bill.