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2 kicker s15l7 ?

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by honeycomb, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. honeycomb

    honeycomb Member

    i wanna put 2 s15l7s on a kicker 08ZX25001 2500-Watt Class D Mono in my eclipse.... i have one 100 fared cap cell now with 4g wire ... will i need another cell or 2 perhaps? and what size power wire?
  2. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    I'm not into caps so i wouldn't suggest them... running that kind of power would call for 1/0 ga. wires, the big 3, extra battery and a high output alternator.

    if that sounds a bit much for you then go with either the extra batter or the HO alternator if money is an issue for you but i would strongly suggest you do the big 3, 1/0 ga. wires then either the HO alternator or the extra bat
  3. honeycomb

    honeycomb Member

    ok yeah,, im thinkin prolly just the battery cuz if i put a high output alt on a 2003 eclipse it will most likely mess with the computer and give me power surge problems
  4. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    no, i high output alternator is fine with your car and it's electronics. a bigger alternator can just handle a bigger load. you can start with the battery though and observe if you are experiencing voltage drops, if you are then you should go with a HO alternator.

    be sure to upgrade the wires to 1/0 ga wires. if you just use the 4 ga wires you may fry them.
  5. honeycomb

    honeycomb Member


    i may just upgrade my batt and wires and add another kenetik or two... you think that would do the trick?
  6. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    that should do the trick.
  7. honeycomb

    honeycomb Member


    i have a Audiobahn A1500HCX amp, will this hit them hard enough?
  8. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
  9. honeycomb

    honeycomb Member


    well if my amp is not enough power and the kicker 2500 is a bit overkill (price as well) then what would give me 1500 to 2000 rms that wont kill my bank??
  10. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    I would just say use what you have and just see, you may like the sound and be more power hungry later on. I mean, you already have the amp so you might as well use it.

    if you were to change your amp, how much of a budget would you have?
  11. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    ta dah

    that's pure 2000 wats MIN, alpine under rates their gear, i love their gear, it's great stuff. and it's apsolutly perfect for those kickers, in fact it's the exact set up I had been considering. but i went with 1000 watts and a single L7
    that amp will also run very cool, very low heat production from what i hear, but the only downside is it's pretty large. I prefer the PDX series my self, they're nice and compact, but you really don't need 2 15"s for that car, you're going be very happy with just 1 to be honest, if you choose that rout, try the PDX 1.1000 from alpine, very nice amp, bit more expensive. but small footprint, and you won't need to boost your cars power

    but if you do insist on 2000 watts and 2 15" L7's you really SHOULDN'T need all those extra battery and stuff with this amp...it'd be a tight fit, you might need a slightly more powerfull alt, but that's all i'd do if i were you, adding battorys can be more expensive than a new alt. at least for you, for me...a high output alt will run me in the grounds of 300-400$ :( custom orders, they realy dont make high output alts for my particular car <_< also when your adding batterys you need to add isolators, otherwise they will drain each other. that'll run ya another 70$ on top of the 120-180$ battery.
  12. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    they can fight each other if they arent close to the same size/group rating.

    i have a reg lead acid batt up front and a kinetik 1600 16v 3 post batt in the back. the front batt floats at 12.4 while the kinetik can float at 13.0v, but the reg batt equalizes them both to 12.4v.

    if your batt up front is old then buy a new front batt before anything else. the biggest you can fit in there.

    im not so sure you will have enough space to run 2 15's in your eclipse. one should be plenty loud.
  13. honeycomb

    honeycomb Member


    well i talked to the audio shop i bought it from and they told me that its rated 500rms x 1 @4ohm, 1000rms x 1 @2ohm, and 1500rms x 1 @1ohm and is 1ohm stable.. its one of the older audiobahns before they started making crappy stuff... i have it @ 2ohm now on 2- 12" audiopipe eyecandy's rated 800rms each and it thumps hard
  14. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    so whitch amp did you end up getting, that doesnt sound like the amp i recommended :p
  15. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    as long as your box is built properly that amp will power them just fine.

    i was doing 137's on 500 watts and 4 8's 2 of which were messed up. its all in the box.