End of the Year membership Push

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Dec 22, 2002.

  1. 98LowRanger

    98LowRanger Full Member

    Damnit I just missed it! :( Serves me right for never visiting here I guess. Just hard when you get such little replies to topics, but I guess that is what this cupon is trying to help with.

  2. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Mike how come shop4sound is not up yet? :(
  3. prophesized

    prophesized Guest

    yeah, i thought it was goin live today
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    did you not read the POST in off topic about s4s?
  5. prophesized

    prophesized Guest

    yeah i just saw that after i posted this
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Just sent out the Email

    Only 286 Members got it,

    So said, but the Others are problally the Inactive members,

    I am going to make a List of Inactive members right now
  7. GSteg

    GSteg Guest

    sweet! i got the email.. time to do some shopping!
  8. GSteg

    GSteg Guest

    where's the Terms of Sales?

    EDIT-nevermind..i found it
  9. GSteg

    GSteg Guest

    "Sales Tax is collected on all orders shipped to California at the rate of 6% as mandated by state law."

    well i guess that offsets my $15 off certificate.. :(
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    sales tax is only for Indiana Customers, that was a Typo, and it is fixed
  11. GSteg

    GSteg Guest

  12. caylorray

    caylorray Full Member

    I went to create an account, but it wanted a "Post Code". Is this the same
    as the Zip Code? If not, then what is it?
  13. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member


    Yes a Post or Postal Code is the same as a Zip Code,

    The Creators of the Program I based my Site on are in overseas Contries so until i get a chance to edit everything you will find things as they are worded in England France etc.....

    The Site is not offically live yet so.....
  14. Matt5L

    Matt5L Guest

  15. caylorray

    caylorray Full Member

    Not live yet? So does that mean that the message I sent via the site "Contact Us"
    link didn't go anywhere?
  16. prophesized

    prophesized Guest

    yay i got mine. now all i have to do is wait for the check to clear from selling my 3515's then ill be able to pick up some jonah lomu's.
  17. 98LowRanger

    98LowRanger Full Member

    Thanks Michael! I totally didn't expect to receive the e-mail. I appreciate it and will be visiting this forum much more then I have the past 3 months :)

  18. kennyg

    kennyg Full Member

    I didn't get one either.
  19. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Everyone who has the email option enabled should have recieved the email.
    Check if that option is checked off for you.
  20. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    That is Correct

    Those members that did not Enable the option, as I posted 2 times on how to do it, Did not get the Info......

    Why did you guys not Turn on the option?

    if you did not get on, PM me, DO NOT POST HERE

    I will replay with the Info Maybe :D