Looking to upgrade stock audio in '06 Explorer

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by willied, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. willied

    willied Member

    I want to do a simple and low budget upgrade. Looking to spend $500 at the most. And I don't want a sub right now. So far I have found these speakers:


    This amp:


    This head unit:


    The reason I like that head unit is because it looks stockish (I don't like the flashy and over-the-top looks of most aftermarket HUs) and it had good reviews. But I want to make sure I'm making good choices.

    So if you think these are good choices or know of better alternatives for around the same price, please tell me!
  2. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    i would suggest you go and spend a bit more in the HU section. That thing dont even have RCA outs for an amp.
  3. Kvo_8

    Kvo_8 Full Member

    thats a very odd choice for a HU..
  4. willied

    willied Member

  5. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    Do you really want a double din or could you just use a regular head unit and a dash kit to make it fit?
  6. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

  7. willied

    willied Member

    I could use a regular HU, but I don't like how they look and the small buttons and what not.
  8. Kvo_8

    Kvo_8 Full Member

    if you get a double din, might as well get something that plays video and has touchscreen :)
  9. willied

    willied Member

    But then the cost doubles to get something good! If I had the money I certainly would get one...
  10. HighVoltage

    HighVoltage Member

    Hey man, I understand wanting to keep a semi-stock look for sure. Most head units have too many freakin buttons. Check these 2 out, you can get an extra 25% off right now using offer code AUDIOTALK at checkout, just a couple suggestions.

    Boss Audio 865DBI, regular price $319, with code is only about $240. Has a remote and ipod compatibility.

    Clarion CX609, regular price $380, with code is only $285
  11. willied

    willied Member

    I understand you want to get your store moving, but even with the discount those prices are higher than what I can easily find them for.
  12. willied

    willied Member

    Ok, so far I've bought:

    Eclipse EA4200 Amp $105 shipped
    4 Polk Audio DB571 Speakers $120 shipped

    Now I just need to figure out which HU I want and I need to pick up an amp wiring kit and some speaker wire and I should be good to go.
  13. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i think you'll like the polks. for the money they are really nice sounding.
  14. willied

    willied Member

    That's good to hear. I can't wait to get them in my car!
  15. HighVoltage

    HighVoltage Member

    Ya win some ya lose some, I can't compete with those prices because I am not the "big name" stores. But I tried to help!
  16. willied

    willied Member