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Brand new here, Brand new to car audio

Discussion in 'Car Stereo Amplifiers' started by John_Roger, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. John_Roger

    John_Roger Member

    Hey guys, excuse my complete lack of knowledge to all things car audio....

    I recently installed a kenwood kdx-x693 solely for its ipod interface. The unit sounds great, but i have way to much distortion. I soldered all the wires, so i know the install is clean. I decided i need a sub so i purchased a pioneer shallow mount 12. Im not looking for huge bass, i mostly listen to metal, i just want some bass, and no more distortion.

    Could anybody give me some advice on what type of amp to use?

  2. John_Roger

    John_Roger Member

    I just bought a boss d500.2 for $55 bucks brand new. It should do the trick, right?
  3. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    it should, but boss isnt known for their quality. mostly huge exagerated power claims, but in your application it will work just fine.

    just do not crank the gains or the bass boost cause that will only make it distort at louder volumes.

    dont expect windshield flexing sub bass. if the box is right for the sub you'll be good to go.
  4. John_Roger

    John_Roger Member

    Thanks for not **** talking the amp :) I know its a cheap amp, but i wasn't looking for glass breaking power. I just needed a little sub, so all the bass wasn't all going thru my 6*9's

    Installed and sounds pretty good for a $350.00 system.[​IMG]
  5. Kvo_8

    Kvo_8 Full Member

    welcome man. nice simple, budget system. stick around and you'll be upgrading in no time lol
  6. John_Roger

    John_Roger Member

    I don't know that i have any room to upgrade anything. Possibly that pioneer shallow box? The speaker hole is kid of loose around the speaker, that's what you get for a 15 dollar box. It would have cost me more time and money to make one.

    Standard cab rangers don't like car audio
  7. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    First welcome to the site!
    Second nice simple clean install!
    Third I drive a single cab chevy s10 extreme and I have two sony xplodes back behind the seat this is just a short term set up til' I can use my 15's again. but these subs aren't to bad I'm running 1100 rms to each and they're handling it no problem. but anyways you could deffinatly upgrade, especially since each seat in your truck is adjustable as to mine which is all in one! but you could put a 15 behind the seat
  8. John_Roger

    John_Roger Member

    Thanks for the kind words, i work in the automotive repair field, and i can't stand seeing exposed wires. I tried to make the install as clean as possible.

    I'm already going to return the amp though, it goes into power save mode way too often, it is bridged. Serious misrepresentation of the power level. They had a comparable crunch amp for 20 more bucks i believe, would that be a better amp? The only problem is its such a tight fit behind the seats. I don't know how much more room i can give up.

    I'm 6'3, and my girlfriend is 6'0, she already complained about her seat being one notch foward.
  9. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    maybe your amp is wired in to too low of an impedance.

    you know what would work back there? a few 8's. they are small and in the right box will still put out.

    or you can angle the 12 to better match the contour of the seat in your or the passengers seating position.

    i had a standard cab s15 and had 2 12's in it. im not 6' 3" tho. but i think a longer box at an angle can work. it will be longer to compensate for the angle.
  10. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    well I'm 6'2'' and I can fit in my truck lol
  11. John_Roger

    John_Roger Member

    Ill have to check on that, thanks for the input. who would i wire it differently? If its not too much of a hassle to type out. I thought i might have a bad ground (i.e need to strip the paint off the point of contact)