Direct TV DSL went under

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Slump_Da_Hustla, Dec 22, 2002.

  1. Slump_Da_Hustla

    Slump_Da_Hustla Full Member

    So now I need to get DSL through somebody else. Any suggestions? Dial-up sucks.
  2. Alan

    Alan Full Member

    DSL is the hugest POS out there... cable companies are far more competetive anyway...... well, around here they are. Besides, if your sattelite breaks, who comes to fix it for you? Oh wait, nobody, thats right :lol:
    whats your local cable company? check with them, maybe they'll have it soon, if they don't already. Or is there some reason you're avoiding that?
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Are you talking about Cable being better over Direct TV or DSL (digital subscriber line)

    Cable Internet is in some cases worse as it uses "common" bandwidth so the more users in your area the low your bandwidth will be, where DSL you get exactly what you pay for, if you pay for a 762Kpbs (most common connection) you get that all the time, During peak peak hours I have dropped below 700 and then on non-peak I have 1500+

    but Cable has some advantages over DSL as well

    I use cable and I like it better but DSL is not the biggest POS out that, Dial up is

    but I think your confusing Direct TV with DSL.....
  4. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Over where I live everyone and their mother has a cable connection so the speed is often crippled. I dont think we have DSL lines over here but I may be wrong. The best are the T1 or T3 lines at college which do over 1MB a sec......its rediculous
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    no OC48 is "the best" at 2.8 Gbps (Gigabytes per second)

    and it depends how close you are to the phone company, DSL is only good for a certin distance from the main hub,
  6. Slump_Da_Hustla

    Slump_Da_Hustla Full Member

    You guys just confused the shit out of me...
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    what ae you confused about, dont worry about the T1 T3 OC12 OC48 etc, they are WAY out of the normal persons price range, a T1 line is like $75-125 per month and costs alot to install, and the OC lines are in the 100's of dollars per month, the T lines are used for Business's that have a Entire network to connect to the internet, and the OC lines are using by backbones and hosting companies

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