Do You Guys Want To See The Maturity Level On CAF?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by kennyg, Dec 9, 2002.

  1. kennyg

    kennyg Full Member

    chuni959: dude
    freethuggin4428: ya
    chuni959: id at least stick up for yourself!
    chuni959: look what hes saying about you
    freethuggin4428: whatever
    chuni959: did you read it? thats harsh man!
    freethuggin4428: Just out of curiosity, why is it that he never said anything about me until you got my correct screename on CAF?
    chuni959: hahahha
    freethuggin4428: Don't bullshit me, man
    chuni959: i told him to
    freethuggin4428: Why?
    chuni959: cuz its funny to see poeple flip
    freethuggin4428: Why don't you stay the fuck out of sghit
    chuni959: whoa
    chuni959: calm down guy
    freethuggin4428: I am calm
    chuni959: calm like a bomb
    freethuggin4428: You need to relax and get the fuck out of other peoples business
    chuni959: danigt guy
    chuni959: just tryin to have a lil fun
    freethuggin4428: You doin shit like this is what's getting this forum all rihlled (sp?) up,
    chuni959: riglled????????
    chuni959: what
    freethuggin4428: It was finally calmed down after a month or two of stupid shit and stupid people
    freethuggin4428: Rilled
    freethuggin4428: like, pissin people off?
    chuni959: ohhh, you mean rhiled!
    freethuggin4428: And here come you guys. Stirrin shit up again, posting stupid shit. this is why all the serious car audio folk have left CAF, and have gone on to bigger and better forums
    freethuggin4428: ya
    freethuggin4428: I'm not the greatest speller
    freethuggin4428: sometimes, at least
    chuni959: haha well why dont you go to bigger and better forums?
    freethuggin4428: I do, but there isn't much traffic on all that many of them yet.
    chuni959: so CAF is better
    freethuggin4428: We're trying to get more mature members to join these forums, not the everyday idiots that you find on CAF
    freethuggin4428: CAF is busyer, not better
    chuni959: oh
    chuni959: i see
    chuni959: what other forums? like termpro?
    freethuggin4428: no, termpro sucks, it's pretty much made up of SPL guys and competitors, not audiophiles
    chuni959: oh
    freethuggin4428: And, I'm not tellin you the other forums
    chuni959: ohhhhhhh gettin sneaky
    chuni959: hahha
    freethuggin4428: If you want to get to them badly enough, then you can do some research and find them yourself
    chuni959: k
    freethuggin4428: I'm not gonna help you idiots go and wreck some great forums
    chuni959: hey igotts to shower
    chuni959: haha
    chuni959: ok
    chuni959: later

    I'm sorry to post stuff like this, but there was an episode the other night on CAF with a new guy with the screename EEEeeewww! and one other guy, who didn't have 30 post's combined, starting stuff, then this Chuni guy chimes in. This is the kind of thing that I'm getting tired of over there.
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well 3 Things

    1> I quite posting on CAF, a Long Time Ago, and Focus 100% of my efforts here, the Reason you Post is the Reason I left

    2> You can tell these kids the name of this form because they will either be Banned or thier posts edit/deleted here by one of my great moderatore or by myself

    3> This should be in off-topic, and I am moving it now
  3. kennyg

    kennyg Full Member

    Thank you, micheal, I'm sorry I put it in the wrong spot.
  4. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    What a fucking crock :rolleyes:

    Thank god I don't go over there anymore
  5. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Is that by choice? :D
  6. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Is that by choice? :D[/b][/quote]

    Kinda, I could get a new SN if I wanted
  7. Alan

    Alan Full Member

    im cockblocked by a firewall :(