Anotehr Sub and Amp Question?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by kennyg, Dec 13, 2002.

  1. kennyg

    kennyg Full Member

    Well, Now I have another wonderful setip option (I think, at least). Wht about starting with 1 Shiva, and 1 amp? What kind of power does a Shiva require to get it moving, how much does it basically require to make it sound the way it should? I know that some subs shine with ovwer rated power, others with under rated power. Would 1 Punch 400S work on one of these subs? I'm thinking about doing 1 Shiva, and A Punch 400S, then buying another Shiva Later, and another 400S later. How would that sound, as compared to the other options I've looked at lately? Thanks.
  2. Justin W

    Justin W Full Member

    Shiva is pretty efficient and the coils are thermally rated at like 650W but you don't need nearly that much to get it going... Seth probably has a better idea of good power to start with but I'm thinking 200-400W... what does the RF amp put out anyway?

    You mention "compared to the other options I've looked at lately?" Well, I'm just not sure, I don't know what else you've been looking at... ;)

    The Shiva is a great driver though... what are your enclosure plans? What about front stage?

    Good luck-
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    hey Justin, glad to see you joined CAT. Quite a smart fella here guys...

    Yeah, I had 375-400 going to my shivas and they pounded pretty good (sounded good doing it too ;) ) really alot of guys are quite happy with 300. Either way you will be quite impressed.
  4. kennyg

    kennyg Full Member

    The Punch 400S is rated for 400 RMS at 4 ohms bridged. The 'other options' I've been looking at included 2 12" Orion XTR Sereis 2's, 2 or 3 12" Pioneer 304DVC's, and I was also looking at a pair of Kicker Comp VR's. I'm more looking for SQ than SPL, but I want to get crazy loud when I want to. It's a 91 Dodge Grand Caravan that it's going into, the rear seat is going to be removed, and the subs are going to go where the reear seat was, facing forward. I have all my tools in the far back, so the subs can't go there. It is a daily driver, but I'd like to be able to hit close to or over 140 when I want to. This is more or less a budget system, because I'm trying to save money to go to school in Ill, next fall, and I'm really only spending money that I'm getting from selling other stereo equipment that I have. Thanks for the responses, guys.
  5. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    I'd suggest sticking with the Shivas, and getting an amp that puts out say 300w at 4 ohms, and 600w at 2 ohms (or 300@2 and 600@1 depending on the VC config). This would save you some cash on a new amp down the road...
  6. Justin W

    Justin W Full Member

    Well, if you like the Shivas, I say go for it... just give them a little room to breathe (enclosure-wise) and get a good front stage going and you can be on your way to a good budget SQ system... good luck-
  7. kennyg

    kennyg Full Member

    Ya, my front stage is taken care of, I just don't kow what combo would work for subs. So, you say that teh Shiva's have better sq than Comp VR's? And, 300 RMS each is enough power for Shiva's? How much can I get Shiva's for used, do you think? I know I can get the Comp VR's for 69 each plus shipping. Is the price differnce worth it? I don't know abou amp yet, that could deffinitely change at any time. I tend to change my mind alot. Thanks for all the help so far guys.
  8. kennyg

    kennyg Full Member

    Also, will the Shiva's be louder than Comp VR's with the same power? I've never heard one, SO I don't know what they sound like. Nobody around here has them in upstate NY. Thanks. What ox size will be best for them, 2 cubes sealed? More? Less?
  9. WeDgE

    WeDgE Guest

    All depends on the install and what kind of SPL/SQ mix your looking for....

  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    The Shivas are miles better IMHO. 300 is enough juice (they are rather efficient). Not sure on the used cost and yes it is worth the money. I like to compare a Shiva to an Infinity Kappa Perfect but the Shiva goes lower. I suggest you listen to the VRs and then the Perfect and consider this... I dumped my perfects for some Shivas, without a second thought. My Perfects were under 2 weeks old ;) . In 2 feet they will scream, sounds great to me ;)

    Hey WeDgE, welcome aboard bud.