Hello all!!! new to forum and new to car audio...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by DSM-IV_301.81, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. DSM-IV_301.81

    DSM-IV_301.81 Full Member

    As the title says, new to forum and new to car audio. So hello eveyone.

    So here is my deal. I'm trying to be the cool Dad. My son is almost driving age. He will be getting our 04 Dodge Ram Quad Cab. The wife set some ground rules with our project e.g. the speakers and amp must be hidden away under the back seats. Needless to say, this leaves us with less than desirable space...most likely .6 cf of air space per sub to work with.

    that being said...i would like some input from you guys; this is what we think we might do: Keep in mind that we are on a budget as the Kid has to work and pay for half...every dollar he puts in...i will put in a dollar. Thank in advance!!!

    HU: (already bought) Alpine IDA-X200 (the kid is only concerned with playing his iPod).

    AMP: hiphonics BXI1210D 1200 w (900w RMS @ 2Ohms which is how we will wire it the subs)...1Ohm stable.

    Alternate Amp if one above does not work out: MTX 600 (600w @ 2Ohms)

    SUB(S): 2 10" MTX Shallow Mount subs (300 rms)...wired at 2Ohms.

    DOOR Speakers: Alpine S series 5 1/4.

    AMP Kit: 4ga. / 17ft (power and RCAs)
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    ive done an install in an 05. you have next to no room under those seats, but the amp should fit in the middle of the back seat easily. leaving you with the option of 2 separate enclosures.

    i think the mtx amp should be a perfect match for those subs you have.

    one more question tho. the door speakers you have listed, are those for the back or front. cause i know that the dodge uses a 6x9 in the front door.
  3. DSM-IV_301.81

    DSM-IV_301.81 Full Member

    I do not know what size the speakers are. 3 years ago my in-laws retired...sold everything...and moved back home to the philippines. After a year of retirment, my father-in-law decided that retirment was not for him. He came back to the US two years ago and started working again. My wife and I gave him our truck to use so he would not need to buy a new one. My my father-in-law is retiring...again...in Sept. and going back to the philippines. Long story short, the truck is not in my possession right now and i have not had an opportunity to see what the exact sizes are as he has the truck...the internet says they are either 5 1/4 or 6x9s.

    As for the storage, I found a probox that boast a .6 cf of airspace per sub in a similar design that we will do. My son and i will build our own box and i believe would should be able to get that .6 and possibly a little more.
  4. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i used to have a probox enclosure. they are very nice. good luck with the box build then.

    we'd like to see build pics if you can.
  5. DSM-IV_301.81

    DSM-IV_301.81 Full Member

    i meant to ask...why the MTX over the Hiphonics AMP? My thoughts about the Hiphonics is that it pushes more than we need and it is still reasonably priced. By having more than we need, if my son decides he wants to get different subs later down the road...than the hiphonics should hopefully be enough to run most subs.

    currently my son is debating between the MTX 10" and the MTX 12"...which has a higher RMS rating.
  6. DSM-IV_301.81

    DSM-IV_301.81 Full Member

    We plan on building a hybrid box. I think we will used fiberglass to mold to the inside of the storage compartments and seal those to a standard MDF enclosure to cap it off. I think we may bondo the MDF top part to insure a smooth finish...and then paint it to match the maroon color of the truck.

    I plan on taking pics of each step...starting with the head install all the way through the enclosure build and install.
  7. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    the fiberglass should help get you a lil more airspace. thats one thing my friend would like to try in his truck one day. he has one 10, but hasnt been able to get it to sound right in there yet.

    he made a huge rear center console. that is more of an eyesore really.