Fuzz from front channel

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Brett, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. Brett

    Brett Full Member

    I was listening to my music today almost turned up to the max when the 4 front speakers all cut out at once. Since then they constantly make a fuzzing sound even when turned down. The thing is there are two different amps powering my front so both amps would have to fail or something. The rear speakers and subs all work perfect. RCAs use Y connectors to split the signal. So did I fry my deck or whats happening?
  2. Brett

    Brett Full Member

    okay the fuzz stopped the next day but channels will still cut out if its turned up really loud including the rear and bass.
  3. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    you may want to recheck your grounds.. do they both have a common grounding point? where did you ground your amps?
  4. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    maybe its the head...getting too hot? i had a head i had to add a fan to. it stopped cutting out. so it could be heat.
  5. Brett

    Brett Full Member

    Well I know my grounds are secure because they go straight to the battery but as a matter of fact my head get EXTREMELY hot, like I live outta town 30 minutes and by the time I get home a cd from the deck is almost painfully hot to put on your face. But did you actually cut a hole in your deck and add a fan or into your vehicles plastic console? This deck actually has a fan in it but I know anti freeze lines run just beneath it, under the carpet.
  6. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i added a fan behind it, no cutting involved at all. i just used some metal straps to hold the fan.
  7. Brett

    Brett Full Member

    Okay that's a good idea, but I was reading about something called a line driver and how it increases voltage to the amplifiers and I was wondering if you or anyone know what exactly it does and how it would wire into the system? I figure that maybe since I split the voltage to another set of speakers that my deck cant supply enough voltage.. maybe? Thanks for the help
  8. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Pedro and i have a line driver... you connect it to the front preouts of your deck then from the line driver preouts to the amps. It's pretty simple. if you get one you'll surely have to readjust your gains.
  9. Brett

    Brett Full Member

    Sounds simple enough.. But what did you guys use them for? Did you add speakers like me or is there an advantage to having more voltage? Sorry if this is a newb question but I gotta find out some way.
  10. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    i added mine for more voltage but i was getting a whine with it. I didn't want to mess with it so i don't have it connected right now but I will be working on it again in a few weeks.