Audison SRX2s vs Crossfire Vr602

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by atoprak, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. atoprak

    atoprak Full Member


    I am looking for a decent mono or powerful two channel amp to bridge, and drive my JL Audio 10w3v3 (4ohms) subwoofer.

    My sub woofer is 350rms. Both of these amplifiers can produce well above 600w @4ohms and 13.8v... I like little bit of head room. That keeps the amp cool and deliver right amount of pure power anyway...

    I have put these two amp on my shortlist.. I am going to buy them 2nd hand and they have a similar price .. The first priority for my current setup is to drive sub. but in the future I may use them as a component amp.

    Which one would you prefer ?

    Thank you.
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    the audison amp is hands down bad ass!! the crossfire is nice too but the audison is a good SQ amp too.
  3. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    you can't compare the two... audison wins hands down!
  4. atoprak

    atoprak Full Member

    than lets go for Audison LRX 1.400 :)

    Everybody around me to get one of lrx 1.400, the srx2s and cf cant drive under 4ohm while they are bridged.. however, lrx 1.400 is designed to do that...
  5. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    the IRX 1.400 is a one channel amp designed for subs..

    1 x 300W @ 4 Ohms (12V - 0.3% THD)
    1 x 350W @ 4 Ohms (13.8V - 1% THD)
    1 x 650W @ 2 Ohms (13.8V - 1% THD)
    1 x 900W @ 1 Ohm (13.8V - 1% THD)

    now if your JL is a DVC 4ohm sub then you can run it at a 2ohm impedance. the audison is a VERY clean amp. you won't be disappointed with it.